I need to read output from native C++ console application in my C++/.NET. There are many articles about this, but most wait until the process ends to read the output, which I don't want to, I need to read it immediately after it is "cout-ed" by the process (and don't want to block the GUI while doing so, but that's something I can do on my own). I tried two ways. One:
Diagnostics::Process ^process = gcnew Diagnostics::Process;
process->StartInfo->FileName = pathToExecutable;
process->StartInfo->RedirectStandardOutput = true;
process->StartInfo->UseShellExecute = false;
process->StartInfo->CreateNoWindow = true;
process->StartInfo->Arguments = "some params";
process->EnableRaisingEvents = true;
process->OutputDataReceived += gcnew Diagnostics::DataReceivedEventHandler( GUI::Form1::consoleHandler );
And the handler:
System::Void GUI::Form1::consoleHandler( System::Object^ sendingProcess, System::Diagnostics::DataReceivedEventArgs^ outLine ){
GUI::Form1::contentForConsole += outLine->Data + "\n";
But debugger confirmed it is called only after the process is finished.
On my second attempt I tried to create custom watching thread:
Diagnostics::Process ^process = gcnew Diagnostics::Process;
process->StartInfo->FileName = pathToExecutable;
process->StartInfo->RedirectStandardOutput = true;
process->StartInfo->RedirectStandardError = true;
process->StartInfo->UseShellExecute = false;
process->StartInfo->CreateNoWindow = true;
process->StartInfo->Arguments = "some params";
processStatic = process; // static class member
System::Windows::Forms::MethodInvoker^ invoker = gcnew System::Windows::Forms::MethodInvoker(reader);
invoker->BeginInvoke(nullptr, nullptr);
And the thread function, it waits on the ReadLine function until the process finishes:
System::Void GUI::Form1::reader(){
System::String^ str;
while ((str = geogenProcess->StandardOutput->ReadLine()) != nullptr)
contentForConsole += str; // timer invoked handler then displays this, but this line is called only once the process is finished
The process executable ouputs many lines of text over time span ranging from several seconds to several minutes (depending on the actual task).