I want to know technique to capture screenshot if I have a url list of those sites like google fastflip. What technology or techniques require for this kind of task. If this technique available in rails it would be great.
I want to know technique to capture screenshot if I have a url list of those sites like google fastflip. What technology or techniques require for this kind of task. If this technique available in rails it would be great.
You'll need a HTML rendering engine for that.
The easy way is to use a browser plugin for that task.
Check out this: 15 Ways To Create Website Screenshots
You need to convert html markup to image using Webkit
Following links can be helpful even if language is not ruby
http://cfsilence.com/blog/client/index.cfm/2008/4/5/More-Thoughts-on-HTML-To-Image-Plus-Code http://cfsilence.com/blog/client/index.cfm/2008/4/4/Converting-HTML-To-An-Image-With-CFJava http://www.coldfusionjedi.com/index.cfm/2007/6/13/ColdFusion-8-URL-Thumbnails
Hey, i'm using a headless webbrowser and Xvfb. First, install the package dependencies for example Ubuntu:
sudo apt-get install xvfb imagemagick x11-apps
Then run the shellcript below using sudo to some "nobody user", like this: /usr/bin/sudo -u nobody /path/screengrab.sh www.ibm.com 34344 >>/tmp/screengrab.log 2>&1
You might need to adjust the cropping etc.
rm -rf /home/nobody/.mozilla/
Xvfb :$2 -pixdepths 32 -screen 0 1024x1024x24 >/dev/null 2>&1 & XPID=$!
sleep 1
firefox -width 2000 -height 1024 --display :$2 http://$1 & FPID=$!
sleep 6 xwd -display :$2 -root -out /tmp/$2-$$.xwd
convert /tmp/$2-$$.xwd /u0/screengrabs/$1.png # Cache convert -resize 300x300 /tmp/$2.xwd /tmp/$2-$$.png convert -crop 287x248+0+29 /tmp/${2}-$$.png /tmp/${2}2-$$.png
mkdir -p /home/je/www/domaintool.se/docs/images/$1
cp /tmp/${2}2-$$.png /home/je/www/domaintool.se/docs/images/$1/date +%Y%m%d
rm -f /tmp/$2-$$.png /tmp/$2-$$.xwd /tmp/${2}2-$$.png
kill $XPID >/dev/null 2>&1 kill $FPID >/dev/null 2>&1