



Hi All, newbie on site.

I have a new project, requirement are:

  • Organised groups of users at multiple geo locations answer test questions using this software.
  • We cannot rely on consistent internet connection, in case it goes down during test.

My question's are:

Q1. Based on assuming no internet connection, I guess I have 2 options?:

  1. Locally installed .Net Web App at each assesment center.
  2. .Net Windows App at each assesment center.

Q2. Either way I am looking to store results as XML on a local server top be pushed over to central database by the test administrator when internet is available. is this correct?

Any advice would be greatly appriciated.

Code Warrior

+6  A: 

Here's the Smart Client Architecture and Design Guide from MSDN.

You may wish to read Chapter 4 — Occasionally Connected Smart Clients

Also, my mate advised me that "CouchDB" is worth a look at. Apparently with CouchDB you can use it locally, offline, and then replicate later.

Daniel Robinson
  • Windows app needs to be setup to each client unless you use Smart Client.
  • It looks like you need to setup a server to each Geo location regardless which technology you choose. So you cannot really save from server setup by using Windows app.
  • HTML provides a rich flow-based UI with graphics, charts, tables, perfectly suitable for a flexible test application. With Windows app you might end up embedding a WebBrowser into your form.