I have the following domain object:
public class DomainObject<T,TRepo>
where T : DomainObject<T>
where TRepo : IRepository<T>
public static TRepo Repository { get;private set; }
A repository interface:
public interface IRepository<T> //where T : DomainObject<T> // The catch 22
void Save(T domainObject);
An implementation of the 2:
public class User : DomainObject<User,MyRepository>
public string Name { get;private set;}
public class MyRepository : IRepository<User>
public List<User> UsersWithNameBob()
So adding another method that isn't inside IRepository.
I want to enforce the repository as an IRepository while above it could be any type.
A small sidenote: I'm writing this for small systems with very few domain objects. I'm not looking to create anything that uses IoC, but rather something that is easy and simple to consume.