




Is there a way to echo DATA in 6800 assembly?

If I have it stored like this:

DATA    DC.W      1,2,3,9,8,7
+1  A: 

There's really no universally correct answer to your question. When writing assembly code, doing output is dependent on the configuration of your machine. you might have a terminal attached to a serial UART chip that you can write a character to on an IO port, or a memory-mapped register, or you might have an LCD display with an interface library, or a memory-mapped video display where you have to compute the X/Y coordinates of your strings as memory addresses.

Without more details than "6800 assembly" no one will be able to answer you.

(Also, you said 6800 but tagged this question 68000; they are quite different. Doesn't change my answer, though.)

Im using Easy68k, I just want to print that info to the screen.
Jack Null
If you go look at the easy68k.com site, the very first example code shows how to do Hello World.