



I am looking for the best solution to create a 3 step sign up process on 1 page. I am currently using jquery cycle, and the techniques being used in version 1.3.2 do not work when telling it to slide, it seems to work only in 1.3.1, there is also a issue of the size, slide 3 is much longer than slide 1 and the height it generates is too tall with dead space.

Does anyone know of a simple jquery solution? Can the UI tabs work in this case?

This is what I am currently using

I would like to find a shorter way to do somethings and and perhaps not use cycle.

$('#signup-content').cycle({fx: 'scrollHorz', timeout: 0, speed: 300, after: onComp, startingSlide:0});
     meta: "validate",
     errorElement: "em",
                errorClass: "error",
     validClass: "success",
     highlight: function(element, errorClass, validClass) {
     unhighlight: function(element, errorClass, validClass) {
     errorPlacement: function(error, element) {
         if (element.attr("name") == "month"
                 || element.attr("name") == "day"
                    || element.attr("name") == "year" )

     groups: {

      birthday: "month day year"

     rules: {

         email: {required: true, email: true},
         confirm_email: {required: true, equalTo: "#email"},
         password:{required: true},
         confirm_password:{required: true,equalTo: "#password"},
         zipcode: {required:true, min:5},

     messages: {
     month: {
      required: "Month Is Missing"
     day: {
      required: "Day Is Missing"
     year: {
      required: "Year Is Missing"


      submitHandler: function(form) {
       beforeSubmit:  showRequest,
       success: showResponse

function showRequest(formData, jqForm, options) {
    // formData is an array; here we use $.param to convert it to a string to display it
    // but the form plugin does this for you automatically when it submits the data
    var queryString = $.param(formData);

    // jqForm is a jQuery object encapsulating the form element.  To access the
    // DOM element for the form do this:
    // var formElement = jqForm[0];

    alert('About to submit: \n\n' + queryString);

    // here we could return false to prevent the form from being submitted;
    // returning anything other than false will allow the form submit to continue
    return true;

function showResponse(formData) {

    $('html, body').animate({scrollTop: '0px'}, 300);
    $('#message-container').addClass("notice").append('<h3>Your Account Has Been Created!</h3><a href="javascript:;" id="close"><img src="/assets/images/close.png" alt="Close" title="Close"/></a>');
    $('#message-container').fadeIn(1200, function(){


    return false;


         $('html, body').animate({scrollTop: '0px'}, 300);
         return false;
          $('html, body').animate({scrollTop: '0px'}, 300);
          return false;

     function onComp(curr, next, opts){
          var index = opts.currSlide;
          if (index == 0){
          else if (index == 1){
          else if (index == 2){
+2  A: 

This might help you.

Oh wow. That plugin looks awesome!
Stefan Kendall
This looks good, only thing is Step 1 is a form 2, is a drag and drop , and 3 is a search with ajax, it's not one long form.
Oh yeah, that might cause some problems.
+1  A: 

You could use show()/hide() or fadeIn()/fadeOut() combinations with three separate DIV containers for the different form sections.

You could then have a button in each section bound to perform a fade-out/fade-in for the next section:

<div id="section1">
  <!-- form here -->
  <a href="#" id="step2">step2</a>
<div id="section2" style="display:none">
  <!-- drag drop here -->
  <a href="#" id="step2">step2</a>
<div id="section3" style="display:none">
  <!-- search here -->


$(function() {
  $('#step2').click(function() {
    $('#section1').fadeOut(function() {
    return false;

  $('#step3').click(function() {
    $('#section2').fadeOut(function() {
    return false;

There's a nice 3-part wizard demo here that uses jQuery Validation. The validation part is not required to use the approach, but a little client-side validation can be really helpful. The bottom of this gives some other approaches too.

Keith Morgan