



I am trying to develop a scheduler- and calendar-dependent event application in C#, for which a crucial requirement is to represent recurring events in the database. What is the best way to represent recurring events in a database?

More Details:

While creating the event I am also sending invites to the certain users and the invitees should be allowed to login to the meeting only during the specified window(meeting duration) or may be decline the login when the invitee attempts to login say, 5 minutes before the scheduled start of the meeting.


could you be more detailed as to what is the recurring part...are you trying to create recurring events on the calendar??

whoops...i guess i didnt read it properly...sorry bout that...would it help if you had the follwing columns...eventid,parenteventid, eventdate, numofeventsthisdate.something along those lines..
Downvoted as I believe this can rather be comment to the question rather than being the answer itself!
+6  A: 

The sysjobs, sysjobsschedule and sysschedules tables in SQL Server does a pretty good job of this. I wouldn't reinvent the wheel, I'd just copy their design.

Here are some of the important fields from sysschedules


How frequently a job runs for this schedule.

1 = One time only

4 = Daily

8 = Weekly

16 = Monthly

32 = Monthly, relative to freq_interval

64 = Runs when the SQL Server Agent service starts

128 = Runs when the computer is idle


Days that the job is executed. Depends on the value of freq_type. The default value is 0, which indicates that freq_interval is unused. Value of freq_type Effect on freq_interval

1 (once) freq_interval is unused (0)

4 (daily) Every freq_interval days

8 (weekly) freq_interval is one or more of the following: 1 = Sunday 2 = Monday 4 = Tuesday 8 = Wednesday 16 = Thursday 32 = Friday 64 = Saturday

16 (monthly) On the freq_interval day of the month

32 (monthly, relative) freq_interval is one of the following: 1 = Sunday 2 = Monday 3 = Tuesday 4 = Wednesday 5 = Thursday 6 = Friday 7 = Saturday 8 = Day 9 = Weekday 10 = Weekend day

64 (starts when SQL Server Agent service starts) freq_interval is unused (0)

128 (runs when computer is idle) freq_interval is unused (0)


Units for the freq_subday_interval. Can be one of the following values: Value Description (unit)

1 At the specified time

2 Seconds

4 Minutes

8 Hours


Number of freq_subday_type periods to occur between each execution of the job.


When freq_interval occurs in each month, if freq_interval is 32 (monthly relative). Can be one of the following values:

0 = freq_relative_interval is unused

1 = First

2 = Second

4 = Third

8 = Fourth

16 = Last


Number of weeks or months between the scheduled execution of a job. freq_recurrence_factor is used only if freq_type is 8, 16, or 32. If this column contains 0, freq_recurrence_factor is unused.

+6  A: 

Well, to store the recurrence rule itself, you could use a cut down version of RFC 5545 (and I really suggest you cut it down heavily). Aside from anything else, that will make it easy to export into other applications should you wish to.

After you've made that decision, for the database side you need to work out whether you want to store each occurrence of the event, or just one record for the repeated event, expanding it as and when you need to. Obviously it's considerably easier to query the database when you've already got everything expanded - but it makes it trickier to maintain.

Unless you fancy writing some pretty complex SQL which may be hard to test (and you'll want a lot of unit tests for all kinds of corner cases) I would suggest that you make the database itself relatively "dumb" and write most of the business logic in a language like Java or C# - either of which may be embeddable within stored procedures depending on your database, of course.

Another thing you need to ask yourself is whether you need to cope with exceptions to events - one event in a series changing time/location etc.

I have some experience with calendaring (I've spent most of the last year working on the calendar bit of Google Sync via ActiveSync) and I should warn you that things get complicated really quickly. Anything you can deem "out of scope" is a blessing. In particular, do you need to work in multiple time zones?

Oh, and finally - be very, very careful when you're doing actual arithmetic with calendar operations. If you're going to use Java, please use Joda Time rather than the built-in Calendar/Date classes. They'll help you a lot.

Jon Skeet
[RFC 5545]( replaced [RFC 2445]( in Sept 2009.
Simen Echholt
@Simen: Thanks, will fix.
Jon Skeet

I have been thinking about this too, although have not implemented it but these are my thoughts for a simple solution.

When setting up an event thats recurring, have the user specify the "end date" and create individual events for each one (based on the recurring options). Because its a recurring event, set a unique "recurring ID" for each of these. This ID will then be used to mark an event as recurring and if you change a future event, you can prompt the user to apply this to the rest of the future events by deleting and recreating the recurring events with a new "recurring ID" which will also differentiate this recurring event from the previously ones that have changed.

Hope this makes sense and would like any comments.

Mark Redman
I am assuming you're asking about the individual events stored for a calendar, not the various types of recurring rules which can be easily researched/duplicated?
Mark Redman

I would record recurring events as two separate things in the database. First of all, in an events table, record each and every occurence of the event. Secondly, have recurrences table in which you record the details that you ask for to set up the recurring event. Start date, periodicity, number of occurences, etc.

Then you might think of tying it all together by putting the PK of recurrences into each of the event records as an FK. But a better design would be to normalise the event table into two tables, one which is just the barebones of an event, and one which has the details, which could now be referring to multiple events. That way every event record, recurring or not, has an FK to the PK of the eventdetails table. Then in eventdetails, record the PK of recurrences somewhere along with agenda, invitees, etc. The recurrence record does not drive anything. For instance, if you want a list of all recurring events, you look through eventdetails for all events with a non-null FK to recurrences.

You'll need to be careful to synchronise all of these things, so that you insert or delete events when the recurrence data changes.

Michael Dillon

"Aside from anything else"

does this include "the very requirements" ?

"that will make it easy to export into other applications should you wish to."

Do the stated requirements include "it must be easy to export the calendars to other applications" ? My impression was that the problem consisted solely of building the FIRST application.

that said, my own response :

You need to limit yourself/your user on the types of "recurrency" your sytem will be able to support. And "All of the above" or "No Limitations" will not be a valid answer if you/your user want(s) to end up with a usable application.

Erwin Smout