



I am creating an application that implements inter process communication. For this purpose I have set up a shared buffer, which seems to work fine. Now, I need a way for the data generating application (written in c++) to tell the data receiving application (written in freepascal/lazarus) when it should read the data.

I was trying to use a mutex for this purpose. I do not have much experience with windows api programming.

So, my problem is, in the FreePascal code below, the mutex won't wait. I can call the TMutex.Wait() function, it doesn't return an error or anything, but it simply won't wait.

constructor TMutex.Create(sName: AnsiString);
  sName := 'Local\Mutex'+sName;
  hMutex := CreateMutexA(
        nil, // default access
        True, // initially not owned
        PChar(sName)); // named mutex
  if hMutex = 0 then
    raise Exception.Create('mutex creation failed');

destructor TMutex.Destroy;

procedure TMutex.Wait;
  if (WaitForSingleObject(hMutex, INFINITE) <> 0) then ShowMessage('debug: wait returned something');

procedure TMutex.Post;

+2  A: 

It looks like your problem is at:

    True, // initially not owned

You have things backwards -- true means it initially IS owned, so waiting on it will return immediately.

Jerry Coffin
tried both true and false, doesn't seem to make a difference. I had it origially false, changed it to true to see if that changed anything but didn't update the comment. Since it didn't change anything, I started to look elsewhere and forgot about that. Still, setting ti back to false doesn't change anything.

you don't show us the code that calls the Wait, method of TMutex. however, you have to know that a mutex is reentrant: if a thread owns a mutex, it will always be granted access to it, thus a wait will never block. this is built into the mutex to avoid deadlocks.

try acquiring the mutex from another thread, the wait should block.

Adrien Plisson
thanks, I will try this. I'll tell if it works later.
Okay, now I gotuses sharedmem;procedure TIPCThread.test ;begin ShowMessage('blaat')end;procedure TIPCThread.Execute;begin Synchronize(@Test); BlaatSharedMem.Mutex.Wait; Synchronize(@Test);end;Still.... I got two ShowMessages with no wait between them. I did start a new thread here as you see, in which I do the waiting, but no difference, it doesn´t wait at all.