Hi, I have a web based system built on php & mysql where the we have a complaint box with 5 different types of complain which are logged over phone by an operator.
i want to build a system where the caller will press buttons on the phone like an IVRS system to book the complaint and a unique complaint number is sent to the caller.
like complain calls are made to 1905 and then a language menu is heard.
like 1 for english then please dial your std code user dials 456 then please enter your phone number user dials 87657672 then please dial issue type 1 for phone, 2 for broadband etc. user dials 2. please select a complaint type: 1 for link absent, 2 for link unstable... user dials 2
i want all the above to happen over a IVR system and then store the selections in a mysql database table called tickets.
how can i go about to achieve this.
please guide.
thanks & regards, Abhishek