



I was wondering whether anyone has already implemented a circular buffer in JavaScript? How would you do that without having pointers?


I think you should be able to do this by just using objects. Something like this:

var link = function(next, value) { = next;
    this.value = value;

var last = new link();
var second = link(last);
var first = link(second); = first;

Now you'd just store the value in each link's value property.

Jani Hartikainen
I believe you forgot to use the `new` operator.
Ionuț G. Stan
Yep, been coding too much Python as of late =)
Jani Hartikainen
+4  A: 

This is a quick mockup of the code you could use (it probably isn't working and has bugs in it, but it shows the way it could be done):

var CircularQueueItem = function(value, next, back) { = next;
    this.value = value;
    this.back = back;
    return this;

var CircularQueue = function(queueLength){
    /// <summary>Creates a circular queue of specified length</summary>
    /// <param name="queueLength" type="int">Length of the circular queue</type>
    this._current = new CircularQueueItem(undefined, undefined, undefined);
    var item = this._current;
    for(var i = 0; i < queueLength - 1; i++)
    { = new CircularQueueItem(undefined, undefined, item);
        item =;
    } = this._current;
    this._current.back = item;

CircularQueue.prototype.push = function(value){
    /// <summary>Pushes a value/object into the circular queue</summary>
    /// <param name="value">Any value/object that should be stored into the queue</param>
    this._current.value = value;
    this._current =;

CircularQueue.prototype.pop = function(){
    /// <summary>Gets the last pushed value/object from the circular queue</summary>
    /// <returns>Returns the last pushed value/object from the circular queue</returns>
    this._current = this._current.back;
    return this._current.value;

using this object would be like:

var queue = new CircularQueue(10); // a circular queue with 10 items

You could of course implement it using array as well with a class that would internally use an array and keep a value of the current item index and moving that one.

Robert Koritnik
What's with all those .NET-style doc comments?
Ionuț G. Stan
@Ionut: They're Javascript intellisense for Visual Studio 2008+ just in case he's on .net otherwise they'll simply be ignored by other editors.
Robert Koritnik
I had no idea there's support for them in Visual Studio. Thanks for the info.
Ionuț G. Stan
@Ionut: Make sure to write the AFTER function declaration and not BEFORE as normal in C#. That's the main difference. Otherwise it works quite similar.
Robert Koritnik

[ ] ( go for it and just port your implementation.. )

rama-jka toti
is this answer even slightly useful ?
Gustavo Carreno
Don't know what else you need really, it's an array.. Index into it with a modulus operator. Thanks for the downvote but seriously some grip required out there..
rama-jka toti

One approach would be to use a linked list as others have suggested. Another technique would be to use a simple array as the buffer and to keep track of the read and write positions via indices into that array.

+1  A: 

Strange co-incidence, I just wrote one earlier today! I don't know what exactly your requirements are but this might be of use.

It presents an interface like an Array of unlimited length, but ‘forgets’ old items:

// Circular buffer storage. Externally-apparent 'length' increases indefinitely
// while any items with indexes below length-n will be forgotten (undefined
// will be returned if you try to get them, trying to set is an exception).
function CircularBuffer(n) {
    this._array= new Array(n);
    this.length= 0;
CircularBuffer.prototype.toString= function() {
    return '[object CircularBuffer('+this._array.length+') length '+this.length+']';
CircularBuffer.prototype.get= function(i) {
    if (i<0 || i<=this.length-this._array.length)
        return undefined;
    return this._array[i%this._array.length];
CircularBuffer.prototype.set= function(i, v) {
    if (i<0 || i<=this.length-this._array.length)
        throw CircularBuffer.IndexError;
    while (i>this.length) {
        this._array[this.length%this._array.length]= undefined;
    this._array[i%this._array.length]= v;
    if (i==this.length)
CircularBuffer.IndexError= {};
+1  A: 

I couldn't get Robert Koritnik's code to work, so I edited it to the following which seems to work:

    var CircularQueueItem = function (value, next, back) { = next;
        this.value = value;
        this.back = back;
        return this;

    var CircularQueue = function (queueLength) {
        /// <summary>Creates a circular queue of specified length</summary>
        /// <param name="queueLength" type="int">Length of the circular queue</type>
        this._current = new CircularQueueItem(undefined, undefined, undefined);
        var item = this._current;
        for (var i = 0; i < queueLength - 1; i++) {
   = new CircularQueueItem(undefined, undefined, item);
            item =;
        } = this._current;
        this._current.back = item;

        this.push = function (value) {
            /// <summary>Pushes a value/object into the circular queue</summary>
            /// <param name="value">Any value/object that should be stored into the queue</param>
            this._current.value = value;
            this._current =;
        this.pop = function () {
            /// <summary>Gets the last pushed value/object from the circular queue</summary>
            /// <returns>Returns the last pushed value/object from the circular queue</returns>
            this._current = this._current.back;
            return this._current.value;
        return this;

To use:

    var queue = new CircularQueue(3); // a circular queue with 3 items
    alert(queue.pop()); // d
    alert(queue.pop()); // c
    alert(queue.pop()); // b
    alert(queue.pop()); // d
    alert(queue.pop()); // c
Mr. Flibble