




how to disable style for element already has styled with css by element name and I can't make the same same style by etering a class name in css just #ElementName which style attribute doesn't shown on html code?


You can't disable styles that are set, but you can override them. The inherit value can be used to restore the behaviour for styles that are inherited by default. Example:

div { color: red; }
div .exception { color: inherit; }

Any div element will get red text, except the ones with class="exception" which will inherit the text color from their parent.

+1  A: 

You can't disable a style, you can only override that style with specificity. If you absolutely have to, you can rely on the !important directive:

#el { background:red !important; }

Otherwise for god knows what if you can't/don't have access to CSS then you can do $('#foo').css('background', 'red') or similar.


You can reset the element style depending on the tag's standard via something like this:

  'position': 'relative',
  'display': 'box',
  'with': 'auto',
  'height': 'auto',
  'color': '#FFFFFF'

You can rename the element id:

$('#ElementName').attr('id', 'ElementName2');

That's my best guesses.

Ryan Schumacher
+6  A: 

You could try:


but my question is: why do you want to remove CSS styles? Usually this is a sign that you're not doing something in a good way. Like some will write code like this:

$("selector").hover(function() {
  $(this).css("background", "red");
}, function() {
  // ???

The problem of course is that you don't know what to set the background to in order to reset it to normal. That's why you should use classes:

div.highlight { background: red; }


$("selector").hover(function() {
}, function() {

Problem solved.

So I can't comment on your approach because you haven't provided enough detail for that but in my experience questions like "how do I remove a style?" are a red flag.

+1 I think you've covered all the scenarios here.
+1 for a good answer to a confusing question
Missing a parenthesis on the first code block.
Ryan Schumacher
Instead of setting style attribute with empty value, you can remove the style attribute itself by using removeAttr function:http://docs.jquery.com/Attributes/removeAttr#name

I ran into this issue a couple weeks ago. Every element has a default value. just override it to that default value.

ie. width and height's default value is auto. not all are auto though. overflow's default is visible.
