



I'm trying to deserialize json to an object model where the collections are represented as IList<T> types.

The actual deserializing is here:

JavaScriptSerializer serializer = new JavaScriptSerializer();

return serializer.Deserialize<IList<Contact>>(
    (new StreamReader(General.GetEmbeddedFile("Contacts.json")).ReadToEnd()));

Before i post the exception i'm getting you should know what the implicit conversions are. This is the Contact type:

public class Contact
    public int ID { get; set; }
    public string Name { get; set; }
    public LazyList<ContactDetail> Details { get; set; }
    //public List<ContactDetail> Details { get; set; }

And this is the ContactDetail type:

public class ContactDetail
    public int ID { get; set; }
    public int OrderIndex { get; set; }
    public string Name { get; set; }
    public string Value { get; set; }

The important thing to know with the LazyList<T> is that it implements IList<T>:

public class LazyList<T> : IList<T>
    private IQueryable<T> _query = null;
    private IList<T> _inner = null;
    private int? _iqueryableCountCache = null;

    public LazyList()
        this._inner = new List<T>();

    public LazyList(IList<T> inner)
        this._inner = inner;

    public LazyList(IQueryable<T> query)
        if (query == null)
            throw new ArgumentNullException();
        this._query = query;

Now this LazyList<T> class definition was fine until i tried deserializing Json into it. The System.Web.Script.Serialization.JavaScriptSerializer seems to want to serialize lists to List<T> which makes sense coz of it's age but i need them in the type IList<T> so they will cast into my LazyList<T> (at least that's where i think i am going wrong).

I get this exception:

System.ArgumentException: Object of type 'System.Collections.Generic.List`1[ContactDetail]' cannot be converted to type 'LazyList`1[ContactDetail]'..

When i try using List<ContactDetail> in my Contact type (as you can see commented above) it seems to work. But i dont want to use List<T>'s. I even tried having my LazyList<T> inheriting from List<T> which seemed to execute but passing the List<T>'s internal T[] to my implementation was a nightmare and i simply don't want the bloat of List<T> anywhere in my model.

I also tried some other json libraries to no avail (it's possible i may not be using these to their full potential. I more or less replaced the references and attempted to repeat the code quoted at the top of this question. Maybe passing settings params will help??).

I dont know what to try now. Do i go with another deserializer? Do i tweak the deserializing itself? Do i need to change my types to please the deserializer? Do i need to worry more about implicit casting or just implement another interface?


It is not possible to deserialize directly to an interface, as interfaces are simply a contract. The JavaScriptSerializer has to deserialize to some concrete type that implements IList<T>, and the most logical choice is List<T>. You will have to convert the List to a LazyList, which given the code you posted, should be easy enough:

var list = serializer.Deserialize<IList<Contact>>(...);
var lazyList = new LazyList(list);
I think i get mostly what you said until the code example at the bottom. Its in the first line of the sample you posted that it will fail. Unless you can suggest a change to my LazyList class that will make it not fail?

Unfortunately you will probably need to fix your class, as there is no way for a deserializer to know that it should be of type IList, since List is an implementation of IList.

Since the deserializers at have source available you could just modify one to do what you want.

James Black
What do you mean "fix your class"? Can you be more specific? Should i be modding my class or the deserializer source? ..or both?
Extend List, not ILIst for the LazySerializer. That would be a better option than doing the source for the serializer, but, if you can't change your source then you would need to find something else to change.
James Black

I ended up using the Json.NET lib which has good linq support for custom mapping. This is what my deserializing ended up looking like:

        JArray json = JArray.Parse(
            (new StreamReader(General.GetEmbeddedFile("Contacts.json")).ReadToEnd()));

        IList<Contact> tempContacts = (from c in json
                                       select new Contact
                                           ID = (int)c["ID"],
                                           Name = (string)c["Name"],
                                           Details = new LazyList<ContactDetail>(
                                                   from cd in c["Details"]
                                                   select new ContactDetail
                                                       ID = (int)cd["ID"],
                                                       OrderIndex = (int)cd["OrderIndex"],
                                                       Name = (string)cd["Name"],
                                                       Value = (string)cd["Value"]
                                           Updated = (DateTime)c["Updated"]

        return tempContacts;