




I am trying to add a timed delay in a C++ program, and was wondering if anyone has any suggestions on what I can try or information I can look at?

I wish I had more details on how I am implementing this timed delay, but until I have more information on how to add a timed delay I am not sure on how I should even attempt to implement this.

+2  A: 

Do you want something as simple like

doesn't work on windows ...
It should. It is almost universal. What language/Compiler did you try it in? Did you import all of the necessary libraries?


void sleep(unsigned seconds);

sleep() suspends execution for an interval (seconds). With a call to sleep, the current program is suspended from execution for the number of seconds specified by the argument seconds. The interval is accurate only to the nearest hundredth of a second or to the accuracy of the operating system clock, whichever is less accurate.

Geoffrey Chetwood
+1  A: 

You can also use select(2) if you want microsecond precision (this works on platform that don't have usleep(3))

The following code will wait for 1.5 second:

#include <sys/select.h>
#include <sys/time.h>
#include <unistd.h>`

int main() {
    struct timeval t;
    t.tv_sec = 1;
    t.tv_usec = 500000;
    select(0, NULL, NULL, NULL, &t);


Mathias Brossard
+5  A: 
#include <unistd.h>

This will also sleep for three seconds. You can refine the numbers a little more though.

Samir Talwar
+9  A: 

Win32: Sleep(milliseconds) is what you what

unix: usleep(microseconds) is what you want.

sleep() only takes a number of seconds which is often too long.

Richard Harrison
There is also nanosleep() if usleep() doesn't give you enough resolution.
Kristopher Johnson
Keep in mind that the argument to these functions are MINIMUM sleep times, and do NOT guarantee you'll come back right away if another process is hogging the CPU at that time.
Bill James
+6  A: 

Note that this does not guarantee that the amount of time the thread sleeps will be anywhere close to the sleep period, it only guarantees that the amount of time before the thread continues execution will be at least the desired amount. The actual delay will vary depending on circumstances (especially load on the machine in question) and may be orders of magnitude higher than the desired sleep time.

Also, you don't list why you need to sleep but you should generally avoid using delays as a method of synchronization.

+2  A: 

Yes, sleep is probably the function of choice here. Note that the time passed into the function is the smallest amount of time the calling thread will be inactive. So for example if you call sleep with 5 seconds, you're guaranteed your thread will be sleeping for at least 5 seconds. Could be 6, or 8 or 50, depending on what the OS is doing. (During optimal OS execution, this will be very close to 5.)
Another useful feature of the sleep function is to pass in 0. This will force a context switch from your thread.

Some additional information:


Many others have provided good info for sleeping. I agree with Wedge that a sleep seldom the most appropriate solution.

If you are sleeping as you wait for something, then you are better off actually waiting for that thing/event. Look at Condition Variables for this.

I don't know what OS you are trying to do this on, but for threading and synchronisation you could look to the Boost Threading libraries (Boost Condition Varriable).

Moving now to the other extreme if you are trying to wait for exceptionally short periods then there are a couple of hack style options. If you are working on some sort of embedded platform where a 'sleep' is not implemented then you can try a simple loop (for/while etc) with an empty body (be careful the compiler does not optimise it away). Of course the wait time is dependant on the specific hardware in this case. For really short 'waits' you can try an assembly "nop". I highly doubt these are what you are after but without knowing why you need to wait it's hard to be more specific.


On Windows you can include the windows library and use "Sleep(0);" to sleep the program. It takes a value that represents milliseconds.

Zee JollyRoger