



For the life of me, I can not figure out why some styles are not being applied to an unordered list.

If you view this site: in Firefox, you will notice there are circles down the bottom of the text that can be clicked to shift to different panels of content.

Now, when you visit the same site in IE7, none of the styles from the stylesheet are being applied (well at least not for me).

I know a fair bit about selector support, but I can not figure out this one!

If anyone digs in and follows the code, here is what is happening

  • jQuery counts panels and makes an unordered list beneath the text.
  • CSS styles this list (see Firefox for intended layout).

It's probably something really simple, but it's giving me a lot of grief.



Well I figured it out already, I have a div being inserted in JS without the closing angle bracket. Was working in FF, but IE tripped up on it.

Thanks to anyone that took the time to investigate!

was half way through writing that! :)
Sorry Colin! Much appreciated though that you took the time.
No wonder I can't see any circles... ha!
+2  A: 

firefox likes to close unclosed tags for you. IE gets a bad wrap lots of times.

George Sisco