





I am trying to retrieve data from a Gridview that I have created in XAML.

<ListView Name="chartListView" selectionChanged="chartListView_SelectionChanged">
        <GridViewColumn Header="Name" DisplayMemberBinding="{Binding Name}" Width="250"/>
        <GridViewColumn Header="Type" DisplayMemberBinding="{Binding Type}" Width="60"/>
        <GridViewColumn Header="ID" DisplayMemberBinding="{Binding ID}" Width="100"/>

I have seen some code like this :-

GridViewRow row = GridView1.SelectedRow;
TextBox2.Text = row.Cells[2].Text;

However my problem is that my GridView is created in XAML, and is not named, ie I cannot (or do not know how to) create a reference to 'gridview1', and therefore cannot access objects within it.

Can I name or create a reference to my gridview either from c# or XAML so I can use the above code?

Secondly, can I then access the array elements by name instead of index, something like :-

TextBox2.Text = row.Cells["ID"].Text

Thanks for any help.


Yes you can name your gridview:

<GridView x:Name="chartGridView">

Make sure the following is included in the Window definition:


This will enable you to reference it from your c# code.

sorry, that was the first thing I tried. VS says : the property "Name" was not found in type GridView

Thanks, but I tried that first and VS says : the property 'Name' was not found in type 'GridView'

You need `x:Name`- see my updated answer

You're doing something horribly wrong. You should not be trying to read data from grid cells, but from your business objects directly. And you should avoid procedural code when a pure XAML solution exists:

<TextBox x:Name="TextBox2" Text={Binding SelectedItem.ID, ElementName=chartListView}"/>

WPF is not intended to be used like you're trying to. So reading individual grid cells is a dirty hack. That said, it goes something like this:

string UglyHack(string name)
    var columns = (chartListView.View as GridView).Columns;
    int index = -1;
    for (int i = 0; i < columns.Count; ++i)
        if ((columns[i].Header as TextBlock).Text == name)
            index = i;
    DependencyObject j = SelectedListView.ItemContainerGenerator.ContainerFromIndex(SelectedListView.SelectedIndex);
    while (!(j is GridViewRowPresenter)) j = VisualTreeHelper.GetChild(j, 0);
    return (VisualTreeHelper.GetChild(j, index) as TextBlock).Text;

Ok, I'll take your point, GridView is supposed to be only for viewing.

I'll go back a step. The Gridview is bound to an xml file :-

XDocument xml = XDocument.Load(@"D:\devel\VS\pchart\charts.xml");

var query = from p in xml.Elements("charts").Elements("chart") select p; foreach (var record in query) { chartListView.Items.Add(new { Name =
record.Attribute("Name").Value, Type = record.Attribute("Type").Value, defaultFontName = record.Attribute("defaultFontName").Value, defaultFontSize = record.Attribute("defaultFontSize").Value, ID =
record.Attribute("ID").Value }); }

When a row is selected (clicked) in the Gridview, I will act on the data contained in that row. So, to act on my business object directly, i need to be able to link between the row clicked, and the XML record that it was created from.

Can you suggest how to do this?

thanks, Will.


i had a porblem.but i solved my problem with your help.ChisF
