I've been using the following code to detect browser client area width for ages and it wokred 100% with all browsers, including FF, Safari and various versions of IE. However, now when I switched to a new monitor with widescreen resolution (1280x800) this code fails on IE8. It reports clientwidth of 1024 !!!???
Any ideas how to get the correct client area width ?
function getClientWidth() {
var v=0,d=document,w=window;
if((!d.compatMode || d.compatMode == 'CSS1Compat') && !w.opera && d.documentElement && d.documentElement.clientWidth)
else if(d.body && d.body.clientWidth)
else if(xDef(w.innerWidth,w.innerHeight,d.height)) {
if(d.height>w.innerHeight) v-=16;
return v;