Quoting from the Glassfish EJB FAQ :
The EJB spec only requires local ejb access from within the same application in the same JVM.
The EJB Local view is an optimized EJB
invocation path that uses
call-by-reference semantics. It is
only available to web components and
ejb components that are part of the
same application as the target EJB. That's why ejb-local-ref is not even
part of the schema for
application-client.xml. To access
EJBs from an Application Client or
stand-alone java client, you'll need
to use either a Remote 3.0 Business
interface, a 2.x Home interface, or
web services.
The LCM lives outside the application containing the EJB, by definition, so, the answer is no.
When I discovered them, I saw all kinds of interesting applications for LCM's, but as I discovered more and more limitations (the fact that they are GF-specific included) that enthusiasm mostly disappeared.