As a training exercise, I am creating a counter that runs in a background thread, in a .NET 3.5 WPF app. The idea is that the counter gets incremented and every few seconds the total is output to the screen.
As it is a training exercise, the foreground thread doesn't really do anything, but imagine that it does!
There is a start and stop button to start and stop the counter.
The problem is that I want the foreground thread to poll the total every few seconds and update it in the text box on the form. The entire app goes 'Not Responding' when I try this. Currently I have only got it to update the count a fixed time after it starts it.
I'll dump all the code in here, so that you get the whole picture:
public partial class Window1 : Window
public delegate void FinishIncrementing(int currentCount);
private int reportedCount;
private Thread workThread;
public Window1()
#region events
private void Window_Loaded(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
txtCurrentCount.Text = "0";
reportedCount = 0;
private void btnStart_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
// Do some foreground thread stuff
Thread.Sleep(200); // I want to put this in a loop to report periodically
txtCurrentCount.Text = reportedCount.ToString();
private void btnStop_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
txtCurrentCount.Text = reportedCount.ToString();
private void InitialiseThread()
WorkObject obj = new WorkObject(ReportIncrement, reportedCount);
workThread = new Thread(obj.StartProcessing);
private void ReportIncrement(int currentCount)
reportedCount = currentCount;
public class WorkObject
private Window1.FinishIncrementing _callback;
private int _currentCount;
public WorkObject(Window1.FinishIncrementing callback, int count)
_callback = callback;
_currentCount = count;
public void StartProcessing(object ThreadState)
for (int i = 0; i < 100000; i++)
if (_callback != null)
My question is: how do I get it to report periodically, and why does it fail when I try to put the reporting in a for loop?
Edit: Should have mentioned that my training exercise was to familiarise myself with the old-school method of multithreading, so I cannot use BackgroundWorker