I am writing a program in VB.Net to manage text messages sent through an API. It allows you to view messages in a datagridview and filter by date, sent/unsent etc...
To load the messages I'm executing an SQL statement and retrieving a DataTable which then gets set as the DataSource for my DataGridView control.
The problem is that depending on the filters selected the user could be selecting a lot of records and it would take some time for the DataSource to update. I want to inform the user of this load time by providing a progress bar or label of some kind.
I have used progress bars before when looping through data but this is loading it all at once. I thought of displaying a label when the user clicks to load the data and then hiding it when the data is loaded. But this happens instantaneously even when the data is still loading.
Is there an event on the DataGridView I can use perhaps? Something like .DataSourceLoadStart and .DataSourceLoadFinished.
I know I'm just making those events up... but hopefully it makes it clearer as to what I want.