



What are the most recommended jQuery grid plugins out there? I've been messing around with Flexigrid which seems to be fairly decent. Are there any other noteworthy ones out there I should be looking at?

+18  A: 

Personally I like the Flexigrid. It is professional looking and I like the feature set. I have seen others, but I think they don't look all that good or their features are so-so.

I did a blog entry on how to use c# 3.5 w/ the Flexigrid using LINQ to Reflection.

Some other grids that you might want to check out are

Elijah Manor

Perhaps Google Web Toolkit, not my favorite though


Flexigrid seems nice, however, it (as well as jGrid) seems to alter the underlying html so that it will not longer work with tablednd (if you want to drag rows around). That led me to write my own simplistic plugin , which I plan on sharing with the world shortly.

James Curran
+101  A: 

I am also looking for a grid to use in a jQuery project I am working on. Below I have summarized my findings so far.

The best entries in my opinion is Flexigrid and jQuery Grid (1st & 2nd in list). The others are included for completeness.

I like the jQuery Grid (#2 above) better than Flexigrid mostly because it supports editable cells, and has very good documentation and samples on the website.

Is jQuery Grid free? I thought you need to pay for it?
Jeffrey C
I'd suggest giving a look at jqGrid (not to be confused with jqGridView), it's about the best option currently for a grid for jQuery. The latest version works well with jQueryUI themes as well
@Jeffery you only have to pay for the ASP.NET or PHP grid generation modules. jqGrid javascript library is free.
Does anybody have any idea which of these libraries is the fastest, especially on IE6 (I'm sorry, but this is my target browser)?
I added SlickGrid, imho nothing comes close to it performance wise
Sam Saffron
+1 to Sam for adding SlickGrid.
Daniel Earwicker
I checked out both jQuery Grid and SlickGrid. I chose jQuery Grid because SlickGrid's virtual rendering is ugly when dragging the scroll bar up and down. It is otherwise seamless when you use the up and down arrows, or your scroll wheel. jQuery Grid does not have this issue. Tested this in IE7, Chrome, and FF3.6
+1  A: 

So far Flexigirid seems to be the most aesthetically pleasing and functional option (rare to find both in one offering). The only downside I've found so far is that it doesn't offer all of its functionality for every data source it supports (most of its more advanced features like sorting, pagination, etc. seem to only work when it's pulling data via JSON+AJAX and not when it's working with a standard HTML table).


Yahoo User Interface datatable and datasource is a much more robust solution. I've used jqGrid and DataTable...YUI grid wins hands down.

+4  A: 

I've been using jqGrid, and whilst it's reasonably easy to use, easy to setup and intuitive, it's lacking a very basic feature - support for CSS styling (columns, rows or cells), which to me is a glaring oversight, and means I'm looking for a better alternative.

Does Flexigrid offer this?

FYI:The latest version supports jQueryUI themes which can be customized
Loki Stormbringer
We've been using the themes - works nicely.
+3  A: 

After trying jqGrid and Ingrid I have found DataTables to be my grid of choice. It is clean, easy to customize and has good documentation.

jqGrid definitely has the most features but there wasn't an easy way to customize the UI since all the html formatting is intertwined with the logic. Also there is inconsistent naming conventions and methodology when setting up the config. For example, most variable names are written in all lowercase letters but a few use camelCase (this cost me about an hour of my life).

When using Ingrid I was experiencing some odd rendering issues. You couldn't put it inside of a div that is set to position relative because some elements of the grid are rendered against the window size and some are rendered against its parent. That along with some other little quirks made it not seem ready for prime time.

James Hackett
As @Loki pointed out on another comment, the most recent jqGrid version supports jQueryUI themes which can be customized
+17  A: 

I Tried jQuery Grid and Flexigrid; they are good, but Flexigrid doesn't have enough examples, and jQuery Grid is a bit heavy.

Here are some other jQuery Grid plugins :

Personally I prefer jQueryGrid (because of its features), and Datatable (because of its simplicity) .

Note: jQueryUI has plans for Grid plugin :

SlickGrid is now hosted at

I believe flexible grid and jqGrid are outstanding in term of jquery. I recommend the later because it seems that author of flexible grid stops upgrading any longer. I am also using sigma grid, which is not built on jquery but compatible with jquery. Most important, it could be used freely under lgpl license.

+14  A: 

The only real implementation of grid for jQuery is everything else are nicely styled tables with additional options.

Edit: It seems that jqGrid also has loading while scrolling feature from version 3.6, which is IMHO the crucial feature for grid implementations

looks really awesome.
Luke Lowrey
+1 Having started looking into this over the last week or so, I have to agree with this. Although SlickGrid is hardly documented, it is the only one I've seen so far that has a really good underlying model. I found I could get a working grid that scrolls through 10,000 rows, no need for stupid "paging" buttons - it just automatically requests short batches of rows from the server on demand as you scroll. Looks very easy to plug in editors.
Daniel Earwicker
+7  A: 

Honestly I think jqGrid is currently the best option, as of the latest version. It's pretty easy to inject a form outside of the jqGrid stuff, and the addons are well broken out, as is the localization configuration. The current version works well for pre-manipulation of an XHR request before loading it into the grid itself.

I was using it in a project back in March (2009) and there were some frustrations. All of my prior frustrations have been resolved, save for one. It doesn't automagically size itself to it's parent jquery-ui container, this is pretty easily resolved with a call to a sizing method via the windows resize events, and when the page first loads. The fact that it requires a separate "pager" tag in the markup seems a bit odd as well.

It doesn't support multi-row results (haven't seen any grids that really do), but it does support a subgrid (similar functionality) which can be useful. Most of the other grids listed are either no longer maintained and are no longer valid options. I know this question is well over a year old, which is why I am making this answer/post.


I have tried Flexigrid. But it seems that no update any longer. I am using sigma grid, which is not a jquery plugin, but it's also an open source one. It can work with jquery well

+3  A: 

If you are using ASP.Net MVC Telerik has a free jquery grid controll.


I'll have to second Sonor. The grid with Telerik stuff is nice, efficient and supported. If you're doing anything that is commercial I'd use that.

+5  A: 

There are too much options that you can try

* Flexigrid:
* Sigma Grid:
* jQuery Grid:
* jqGridView:
* Ingrid:
* DataTable :
* Slickgrid :
* TableSorter :

a simple jQuery Scrollable Table Plugin


By the way the Telerik Extensions for ASP.NET MVC is only free for non-commercial use or for OSS projects. For commercial use you need a developer license which are priced 999$/license.

Gabriel Lozano-Moran
+1  A: 

I hope it's not too much self advertising, but I found the above solutions (which are really great) hard to fit into my design. So I build my own, which is, IMHO, easier to style according to your wishes - I recently released it to the masses. It's not exactly a grid (it can be one) but well a view.

MicroView: Check it out here.

I liked your MicroView its cool
Thanks, I wanted to try a different approach (not the table one obviously). Next thing to come is a filter. But I'm pretty busy at work at the moment.
Nice! I'll definitely be checking this out.
+1  A: 

Check out tQuery*: It's not a Grid, but has some similar features like Table sorting, filtering, cell editing, pagination, many effects and also you can fully customize the skin.

*This is my Script.

Omar Abid
+1  A: 

I'm surprised nobody has mentioned ext-js. Their grid is tremendous, and the api is very intuitive.

It's a jQuery question.
Daniel Earwicker

If you're making a MVC web application, do't use jQgrid, somehow their new implementation breaks some mvc pattern... Just my opinion though.