




Jeffrey Richter's book is no longer available on http://microsofteref.books24x7.com Anyone else who uses Books24x7 and found it to be same case?

I can't remember if it was ever on Safari online or not.


According to his blog he's about to release a new edition. Maybe that's why.

Thanks! I knew about the upcoming release. What's the point of having access to electronic library if books disappear prior to release of a new version. It should at least be kept until the next release. Oreilly's Safari also does not have the book when I checked in Octobler of 2009. This can't be the first and only book with similar issues Hopefully someone from Microsoft Press, Books24x7, and OReilly will come upon this post and solve this issue.
Terek Awan

Safari Books now have the new edition of e-book. Yeah! MS Press online still doesn't :-(.

off topic, yet relevant to ebooks: On Windows Mobile 6.1 HTC Touch Pro 2, Opera 9.x displays Safari Books online quite weill. Opera 10 beta doesn't. Normal text size is too small. Zoom in requires side scrolling.

Terek Awan