



I've managed to get my install all screwed up as I'm a newbie and messing up is what I'm good at.

1) Can anyone reference a credible set of setup instructions for this stuff?

2) Can I just uninstall and start from scratch (passwords and all) through macports? I tried and a bunch of mysql directories stuck around after the unistall, WTF!?

3) Where does mysqld.sock need to reside and what file settings do I need to apply to get it playing nice with php5 and apache2 ? Does it live in /tmp or in /opt/local/var/run/mysql5/ ? Do I need to configure /opt/local/etc/php5/php.ini? opt/local/var/db/php5/mysql.ini? /opt/local/etc/mysql5/my.cnf?

4) I've run > sudo -u mysql mysql_install_db5. If I run it again will it mess me up? I ran mysqladmin -u root password 'mypw' and got an error saying the mysql could not connect through the socket. So does this mean my password is now set? Is there a way I can tell?

5) The syntax of the password statement changes from blog to blog. Is my password 'mypw' or mypw (without the quotes)? (My password is not actually mypw)

6) What are the appropriate commands to start and stop mysql? I DO NOT want it to start when my machine starts.

+1  A: 

Thanks Jergason, that's tremendously helpful.

I'd really like to stay consistent with the macports installation of mysql since it limits the damage I can do to my machine.

So the outstanding questions now are...

1) What is the default socket location for the macports mysql install?

2) What are the appropriate commands to start and stop mysql? I DO NOT want it to start when my machine starts. Some blogs say to use launchctl -load others say sudo /path/mysql_safe5. If you havn't set the password (as I don't intend to) do you need to use the -user -p parameters?

3) What are the necessary directory ownerships and permissions to get macports mysql working. It doesn't seem that macports sets any of that.

+1  A: 

Check /tmp for the MacPorts mysql socket.

If you're using 5 different sites' tips on how to run mysql and you're surprised you've gotten lost … well, I'll just leave it at try to follow just one site at a time and back out all changes before going to the next.

I think the only problem you're having with MacPorts mysql (what problem are you having??) is that it's got a socket where you don't expect it and it's using a default configuration. This should have been explained after the install was completed by MacPorts. Please see ${prefix}/share/doc/mysql5/ for ideas and/or contact the developer list.

Also consider contacting the maintainer of the port; they likely know the most about it since they manage it.



Check /tmp for the MacPorts mysql socket

Not helpful. As previously stated, I understand that /tmp is the default location for the socket. My problem is that when I attempt to start mysql the socket does not materialize there, nor does it appear in /opt/local/var/run/mysql5/. This tells me I have a problem starting mysql, which means there is something wrong with the setup. What it could be, I don't know. I'm afraid I wasn't born with an a priori knowledge of such things.

-What SPECIFIC directory SHOULD the socket be in for the mysql5 install using macports under Snow Leopard?

If you're using 5 different sites' tips on how to run mysql and you're surprised you've gotten lost … well, I'll just leave it at try to follow just one site at a time and back out all changes before going to the next.

Not helpful. I did exactly what you're suggesting to begin with. What do you think I did, mix and match instructions from 5 blogs? This is why I asked about clean uninstalls. I wanted to know if a state change from a previous install could effect future "clean" installs.

-What SPECIFIC blog describes the confirmed-to-be-correct install procedure of mysql5 using macports under Snow Leopard.

I think the only problem you're having with MacPorts mysql (what problem are you having??) is that it's got a socket where you don't expect it and it's using a default configuration.

Not helpful. Me too, see my original post. I think the problem lies with how mysql is started (or isn't starting).

-Do you have any SPECIFIC suggestions on how to correct the problem?

This should have been explained after the install was completed by MacPorts.

Not helpful. It wasn't, or I didn't see it if it was. Maybe because I was using Porticus.

-Could you be more SPECIFIC? At WHAT point should I have seen WHAT message?

Please see ${prefix}/share/doc/mysql5/ for ideas and/or contact the developer list. Also consider contacting the maintainer of the port; they likely know the most about it since they manage it.

Not helpful. RTFM, Google is your friend, and all that. Yep, went there first. Although I will admit I may have overlooked something as I'm not inclined to spend days reading some poorly written docs when I have other work to do to when I'm sure my problem is a simple one.

  • If you want to give me a SPECIFIC document that I may have overlooked, THAT would be helpful.

I was hoping for some simple, focused help like what Jergason provided. I (and others reading this) appreciate Jergason's willingness to convey his knowledge in order to accelerate the learning process of people new to various technologies. To him, the knowledge is basic, but to new-comers it's a massive time-saver. The true mark of intelligence is the understanding that technology knowledge is not a priori and that even basic help is of great help. Thanks again J-man.

+1  A: 

I've just run into the same issue myself. To get my MySQL working, I simply had to do

sudo chmod -Rf 777 /opt/local/var/db/mysql5

The attempt to do sudo -u _mysql mysql_db5 failed, but I could then do

mysqladmin -u root  password the_new_password

without any problem.

If you don't want MySQL to start automatically when you turn the machine on, simply do this:

sudo launchctl unload -w /Library/LaunchDaemons/org.macports.mysql5.plist

Then to start/stop MySQL:


sudo /opt/local/etc/LaunchDaemons/org.macports.mysql5/mysql5.wrapper start


sudo /opt/local/etc/LaunchDaemons/org.macports.mysql5/mysql5.wrapper stop

Hope this helps.


I figured out the problem. Despite the fact that Apache was not running, for some reason Apache was blocking MySQL from running (and thus from creating the socket). (Yea, weird right?) Before I ran the install, I issued the command to stop apache, then the install went swimmingly. Even now, before I start MySQL, I first have to tell Apache (which is not running) to stop.

And just for the record, I know it's not running because I get "httpd (no pid file) not running" I'm not having it run automatically on start up or any bone-head crap like that.

I'll try to write up a walk-through so that no one else has to go through this BS.
