This snippet works well if I try to write in a user directory but as soon as I try to write in Program Files, it just executes silently and the file has not been copied (no exception). If I try to copy the file in C:\ or in C:\Windows I catch an UnauthorizedAccessException.
Do you know another way to get the permissions to write in that directory or to make it work another way?
Any help greatly appreciated! Thanks
using(FileStream fs=File.Open(source, FileMode.Open)){ }
FileIOPermission fp = new FileIOPermission(FileIOPermissionAccess.Write,
AccessControlActions.Change, "C:\\Program Files\\MyPath");
fp.Demand(); //<-- no exception but file is not copied
File.Copy("C:\\Users\\teebot\\Documents\\File.xml","C:\\Program Files\\MyPath\\File.xml",true);
catch(UnauthorizedAccessException unauthroizedException)
throw unauthroizedException;