




My site has a master page file and several pages. I have a ModalMessageBox user control located in a Controls folder (ascx and C# code behind). I have made an entry in the web.config file in the controls branch.

    <add src="~\Controls\ModalMessageBox.ascx" tagName="ModalMessageBox" tagPrefix="hip"/>

In one page, works fine. When I try and use this same definition in another page I get an compile time error Error 27 'CrewRuns' does not contain a definition for 'MessageBoxInfo' and no extension method 'MessageBoxInfo' accepting a first argument of type 'CrewRuns' could be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)

CrewRuns is my page name.

Can anyone give me assistance and understanding how the model dialog works fine in one page and not the other. The pages are ContentPlaceHolders with an UpdatePanel and ContextTemplate.

Thanks in advance.

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