I'm using Python (minidom) to parse an XML file that prints a hierarchical structure that looks something like this (indentation is used here to show the significant hierarchical relationship):
My Document
Basic Features
About This Software
Platforms Supported
Instead, the program iterates multiple times over the nodes and produces the following, printing duplicate nodes. (Looking at the node list at each iteration, it's obvious why it does this but I can't seem to find a way to get the node list I'm looking for.)
My Document
Basic Features
About This Software
Platforms Supported
Basic Features
About This Software
Platforms Supported
Platforms Supported
Here is the XML source file:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<Topic Target="ALL">
<Title>My Document</Title>
<Topic Target="ALL">
<Topic Target="ALL">
<Title>Basic Features</Title>
<Topic Target="ALL">
<Title>About This Software</Title>
<Topic Target="ALL">
<Title>Platforms Supported</Title>
Here is the Python program:
import xml.dom.minidom
from xml.dom.minidom import Node
dom = xml.dom.minidom.parse("test.xml")
i = 0
for node in Topic:
for a in alist:
Title= a.firstChild.data
print Title
I could fix the problem by not nesting 'Topic' elements, by changing the lower level topic names to something like 'SubTopic1' and 'SubTopic2'. But, I want to take advantage of built-in XML hierarchical structuring without needing different element names; it seems that I should be able to nest 'Topic' elements and that there should be some way to know which level 'Topic' I'm currently looking at.
I've tried a number of different XPath functions without much success.