Good Evening All,
A client has asked that I develop a web application as part of his existing site built in 3.5 that will enable his brokers to generate quotes for potential client groups. Such quotes will need to be derived using rate tables stored in a SQL Server 2005 database.
The table structure is as follows:
[AgeCategory] [int] NULL,
[IndustryType] [int] NULL,
[CoverageType] [int] NULL,
[PlanDeductible] [float] NULL,
[InpatientBenefit] [float] NULL,
[Rate] [float] NULL,
[OPMD15Copay] [float] NULL,
[OPMD25Copay] [float] NULL
Question: Assuming I use page validation in the web application to verify input against business logic, do you anticipate issues arising relative to the web application returning a quotation using the above database table layout? If so, can you suggest a better way to structure my table?
Bonus goes to anyone who has programmed web-based insurance quoting systems.
Thanks much for your help and guidance.