



How do I get the attributes to the inner element rather than root element?

public class Test
    string type=null;
    int value=0;
    public string Type
        get { return type; }
        set { type=value; }
    public int Value
        get { return type; }
        set { type=value; }

will result into

<Root Value="">

However I want

<Root >
    <Type Value="">

Please help me out. Thanks in advance.

public class Test
    TypeClass type=null;
    public TypeClass Type
       get{return type;}
public class TypeClass
   int _value=0;
   public int Value
      get{return _value;}

try this

whitespace, please!
+1  A: 

The XmlSerializer is not super customizable. The closest you can get to achieving this (without resorting to custom serialization) is a wrapper class:

public class Test
    public TypeData Type { get; set; }

    // ...

class TypeData
    public string Data { get; set; }

    public int Value { get; set; }

In that case, you'll end up with:

  <Type Value="">
+2  A: 

XmlSerializer is intended to be a natural map between the object model and the xml; the answer, then, is to structure your DTO the same as your xml. In this case, by wrapping Test in a second object:

public class Root {
    public Test Type {get;set;}

The alternative is implementing IXmlSerializable, but that is effort, and easy to get wrong. It isn't uncommon to require a separate object representation for serialization purposes - it shouldn't be assumed that your "regular" business/data objects are necessarily directly suitable for serialization.

Marc Gravell
+1 for "structure your DTO to fit your xml"
Nader Shirazie