
Did you get it sorted? I am struggling with the exact same issue on Windows 7 x64, it's working fine for another project member who's on Windows 7 x86.


Similar issue here. DLL dependents GPSVC.DLL and MSVCR90.DLL.

I managed to get rid of IESHIMS.dll by setting my environment variables path to C:\Program Files (x86)\Internet Explorer. Surely that shouldn't need to be done!

Is there a fix to this yet?



What did you guys end up doing? I have a lot of 32 bit DLLs being included in a project I'm starting on, and I'm not sure why either. I think the reason why is because I don't understand Visual Studio 2005, the code base, and Windows 7 well enough, but I am looking for something more specific.

Thanks for the help,

-Brian J. Stinar-

Brian Stinar