



Hey guys,

I am building a suggestive tagging system (sounds seedy), I pass in a string to the db and if there is a match it sends back that tag. I want to stop duplicate tags, so if one tag is WEB, I only want it to be returned once. So if I had WEB as a tag and then add WEEKLY, typing "WE" doesn't bring up WEB for a second time as a suggestion.

But, seem to be not working. I send the current tags and use NOT IN() to remove any duplicates. Below is the SP code:

SELECT  TOP 1 t.vTagName As vTagName
FROM  Tags t
WHERE  t.vTagName LIKE @vTagName+'%'
AND   t.nTagPortalId = @nPortalId
AND   t.vTagName NOT IN(@vCurrentTags)

And this is what get's passed in:

EXEC GetTagSuggest 'We','Web,Print,Design,Advertising,Revenue'

The response to this query is vTagName = Web. Obviously, this is not a correct result as it should be vTagName LIKE "We" NOT IN "Web, etc..."..

Thanks in advance!

+2  A: 

You need to split out the strings, or convert the entire SQL statement to dynamic SQL.


Split out variables per the other example, or do dynamic SQL.

This is not best practice, but is simply to give you an idea:

DECLARE @sql nvarchar(max) = 'SELECT  TOP 1 t.vTagName As vTagName '
SELECT @sql = @sql + 'FROM  Tags t '
SELECT @sql = @sql + 'WHERE t.vTagName LIKE ' + @vTagName + '% '
SELECT @sql = @sql + 'AND   t.nTagPortalId = ' + @nPortalId + ' '
SELECT @sql = @sql + 'AND   t.vTagName NOT IN(' + @vCurrentTags + ') '
SELECT @sql = @sql + 'ORDER BY  vTagName ASC'

EXEC sp_executesql @sql, @vTagName, @nPortalId, @vCurrentTags
Randolph Potter
Could you explain further?
+3  A: 

The IN statement doesn't work like that.

What you will have to do is

t.vTagName not in ('Web','Print','Design','Advertising','Revenue')

Having it in one variable won't work in that case.

Jimmy Stenke
Which is what I said in my reply with "split out the strings".
Randolph Potter
To pass in the current tags as a split string I send in this (from classic asp): EXEC GetTagSuggest 'Web','''Web'',''Create'''. That, when selected, returns: 'Web','Create'. But when passed in like this: t.vTagName NOT IN(@vCurrentTags), it still doesn't work. How in SQL could I split the string?
@randolph: I understand that, but I required a little more information that one line :)
If you cannot split the string, perhaps look at the dynamic SQL method I described.
Randolph Potter
+1  A: 

Erland Sommarskog has a good article on various ways to perform these types of search


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