



What I want to achieve essentially is:

Items assigned to me

Item 1 assigned to me
Item 2 assigned to me
Item 3 assigned to me

All open items
Item 1 open to everyone
Item 2 open to everyone
Item 3 open to everyone
Item 4 open to everyone

Though from what I have experienced of MVC so far is that I would have to return the data to the view model to be able to use it in the view itself in the following manner:

<asp:Content ID="ticketsContent" ContentPlaceHolderID="MainContent" runat="server">
    <div id="hdMain">
        <div id="hdMainTop"><img src="images/hdMainTop.gif" alt="" /></div>
        <div id="hdMainContent">
            <div id="numberOfCalls">Calls assigned to you (<%=Html.ViewData("MyOpenCallsCount")%>)</div>
            <div id="assignedToMe">
                <div id="callHeaders">
                    <table id="callHeadersTbl" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0">
                            <td width="54">&nbsp;</td>
                            <td width="270">Subject</td>
                            <td width="148">Logged</td>
                            <td width="120">Updated</td>
                <div id="greyTicketBar">&nbsp;&nbsp; Assignee: <strong><%=Html.ViewData("UserName")%></strong></div>
                <table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" width="643">
                        <% For Each aT In ViewData.Model%>
                                <td width="54" class="ticketList">&nbsp;</td>
                                <td width="270" class="ticketList"><%=Html.ActionLink(aT.Title, "Details", New With {.id = aT.CallID})%></td>
                                <td width="148" class="ticketList"><%=aT.loggedOn.Date.ToShortDateString%></td>
                                <td width="115" class="ticketList"><%=aT.updatedOn.Date.ToShortDateString%></td>
                            <% Next%>
        <div id="hdMainBottom"><img src="images/hdMainBottom.gif" alt="" /></div>
        <div id="bigbreak">
            <br />
        <div id="hdMainTop"><img src="images/hdMainTop.gif" alt="" /></div>
        <div id="hdMainContent">
            <div id="numberOfCalls">All unsolved calls (<%=Html.ViewData("OpenCallCount")%>)</div>
            <div id="unsolvedTix">
                <div id="callHeaders">
                        <table id="callHeadersTbl" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0">
                                <td width="54">&nbsp;</td>
                                <td width="270">Subject</td>
                                <td width="148">Logged</td>
                                <td width="58">Priority</td>
                                <td width="120">Updated</td>
                    <div id="greyTicketBar"></div>
                    <table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" width="643">
                        <% For Each t As hdCall In ViewData.Model%>
                                <td width="51" class="ticketList" align="center"><img src="/images/icons/<%=t.hdPriority.Priority%>.gif" /></td>
                                <td width="270" class="ticketList"><%=Html.ActionLink(t.Title, "Details", New With {.id = t.CallID})%></td>
                                <td width="148" class="ticketList"><%=t.loggedOn%></td>
                                <td width="58" class="ticketList"><%=t.hdPriority.Priority%></td>
                                <td width="115" class="ticketList"><%=t.updatedOn%></td>
                            <% Next%>
        <div id="hdMainBottom"><img src="images/hdMainBottom.gif" alt="" /></div>
    <div id="hdSpacer"></div>
    <div id="hdMenus">
        <div id="browseBox">
            <div id="blueTop"><img src="images/blueboxTop.gif" /></div>
            <div id="blueContent">
                <img src="images/browse.gif" alt="Browse" /><br /><br />
                    <li>&nbsp;<a href="/Calls/Company/1">Calls for Topps</a><br /><br /></li>
                    <li>&nbsp;<a href="/Calls/Company/2">Calls for TCH</a><br /><br /></li>
            <div id="blueBottom"><img src="images/blueboxBottom.gif" /></div>
            <br />
             <div id="Dashboard">
            <div id="blueTop"><img src="images/blueboxTop.gif" /></div>
            <div id="blueContent"><img src="images/dashboard.gif" alt="Dashboard" /><br /><br />
                <div id="storePercent"><%=Html.ViewData("OpenCallCount")%><br />
                    Calls Open</div>
                <ul style="font-weight: bold;">
                    <li>&nbsp;<a href="/Calls/Urgent">Urgent:&nbsp;<%=Html.ViewData("UrgentCallCount")%></a><br /><br /></li>
                    <li>&nbsp;<a href="/Calls/High">High:&nbsp;<%=Html.ViewData("HighCallCount")%></a><br /><br /></li>
                    <li>&nbsp;<a href="/Calls/Normal">Normal:&nbsp;<%=Html.ViewData("NormalCallCount")%></a><br /><br /></li>
                    <li>&nbsp;<a href="/Calls/Low">Low:&nbsp;<%=Html.ViewData("LowCallCount")%></a></li>
            <div id="blueBottom"><img src="images/blueboxBottom.gif" /></div>

Now, the idea I have for it, even though I know it won't work would basically be:

' GET: /Calls/
<Authorize()> _
Function Index() As ActionResult
    ViewData("OpenCallCount") = callRepository.CountOpenCalls.Count()
    ViewData("UrgentCallCount") = callRepository.CountUrgentCalls.Count()
    ViewData("HighCallCount") = callRepository.CountHighCalls.Count()
    ViewData("NormalCallCount") = callRepository.CountNormalCalls.Count()
    ViewData("LowCallCount") = callRepository.CountLowCalls.Count()

    ViewData("MyOpenCallsCount") = callRepository.CountMyOpenCalls(Session("LoggedInUser")).Count()
    ViewData("UserName") = Session("LoggedInUser")

    Dim viewOpenCalls = callRepository.FindAllOpenCalls()
    Dim viewMyOpenCalls = callRepository.FindAllMyCalls(Session("LoggedInUser"))

    Return View(viewOpenCalls)
    Return View(viewMyOpenCalls)
End Function

What I'm wondering is, what would be the correct way to do this? I haven't a clue as how to go about the right way, I think I at least have the theory there though, just not how to implement it.

Thanks for any help in advance.


Based on the below comments, I have made the following code edits/additions:

Class Calls
    Private _OpenCalls As hdCall
    Public Property OpenCalls() As hdCall
            Return _OpenCalls
        End Get
        Set(ByVal value As hdCall)
            _OpenCalls = value
        End Set
    End Property
    Private _MyCalls As hdCall
    Public Property MyCalls() As hdCall
            Return _MyCalls
        End Get
        Set(ByVal value As hdCall)
            _MyCalls = value
        End Set
    End Property
End Class

Index() Action

' GET: /Calls/
<Authorize()> _
Function Index() As ActionResult
    ViewData("OpenCallCount") = callRepository.CountOpenCalls.Count()
    ViewData("UrgentCallCount") = callRepository.CountUrgentCalls.Count()
    ViewData("HighCallCount") = callRepository.CountHighCalls.Count()
    ViewData("NormalCallCount") = callRepository.CountNormalCalls.Count()
    ViewData("LowCallCount") = callRepository.CountLowCalls.Count()

    ViewData("MyOpenCallsCount") = callRepository.CountMyOpenCalls(Session("LoggedInUser")).Count()
    ViewData("UserName") = Session("LoggedInUser")

    Dim viewOpenCalls As New Calls With {.OpenCalls = callRepository.FindAllOpenCalls()}
    Dim viewMyOpenCalls As New Calls With {.MyCalls = callRepository.FindAllMyCalls(Session("LoggedInUser"))}

    Return View(New Calls())
End Function


<%@ Page Title="" Language="VB" MasterPageFile="~/Views/Shared/Site.Master" Inherits="System.Web.Mvc.ViewPage<Calls>" %>

<%@ Import Namespace="CustomerServiceHelpdesk" %>

<asp:Content ID="ticketsHeader" ContentPlaceHolderID="TitleContent" runat="server">
    Topps Customer Service Helpdesk - View All Calls

<asp:Content ID="ticketsContent" ContentPlaceHolderID="MainContent" runat="server">
    <div id="hdMain">
        <div id="hdMainTop"><img src="images/hdMainTop.gif" alt="" /></div>
        <div id="hdMainContent">
            <div id="numberOfCalls">Calls assigned to you (<%=Html.ViewData("MyOpenCallsCount")%>)</div>
            <div id="assignedToMe">
                <div id="callHeaders">
                    <table id="callHeadersTbl" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0">
                            <td width="54">&nbsp;</td>
                            <td width="270">Subject</td>
                            <td width="148">Logged</td>
                            <td width="120">Updated</td>
                <div id="greyTicketBar">&nbsp;&nbsp; Assignee: <strong><%=Html.ViewData("UserName")%></strong></div>
                <table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" width="643">
                        <% For Each aT In Model.MyCalls%>
                                <td width="54" class="ticketList">&nbsp;</td>
                                <td width="270" class="ticketList"><%=Html.ActionLink(aT.Title, "Details", New With {.id = aT.CallID})%></td>
                                <td width="148" class="ticketList"><%=aT.loggedOn.Date.ToShortDateString%></td>
                                <td width="115" class="ticketList"><%=aT.updatedOn.Date.ToShortDateString%></td>
                            <% Next%>
        <div id="hdMainBottom"><img src="images/hdMainBottom.gif" alt="" /></div>
        <div id="bigbreak">
            <br />
        <div id="hdMainTop"><img src="images/hdMainTop.gif" alt="" /></div>
        <div id="hdMainContent">
            <div id="numberOfCalls">All unsolved calls (<%=Html.ViewData("OpenCallCount")%>)</div>
            <div id="unsolvedTix">
                <div id="callHeaders">
                        <table id="callHeadersTbl" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0">
                                <td width="54">&nbsp;</td>
                                <td width="270">Subject</td>
                                <td width="148">Logged</td>
                                <td width="58">Priority</td>
                                <td width="120">Updated</td>
                    <div id="greyTicketBar"></div>
                    <table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" width="643">
                        <% For Each t As hdCall In Model.OpenCalls%>
                                <td width="51" class="ticketList" align="center"><img src="/images/icons/<%=t.hdPriority.Priority%>.gif" /></td>
                                <td width="270" class="ticketList"><%=Html.ActionLink(t.Title, "Details", New With {.id = t.CallID})%></td>
                                <td width="148" class="ticketList"><%=t.loggedOn%></td>
                                <td width="58" class="ticketList"><%=t.hdPriority.Priority%></td>
                                <td width="115" class="ticketList"><%=t.updatedOn%></td>
                            <% Next%>
        <div id="hdMainBottom"><img src="images/hdMainBottom.gif" alt="" /></div>
    <div id="hdSpacer"></div>
    <div id="hdMenus">
        <div id="browseBox">
            <div id="blueTop"><img src="images/blueboxTop.gif" /></div>
            <div id="blueContent">
                <img src="images/browse.gif" alt="Browse" /><br /><br />
                    <li>&nbsp;<a href="/Calls/Company/1">Calls for Topps</a><br /><br /></li>
                    <li>&nbsp;<a href="/Calls/Company/2">Calls for TCH</a><br /><br /></li>
            <div id="blueBottom"><img src="images/blueboxBottom.gif" /></div>
            <br />
             <div id="Dashboard">
            <div id="blueTop"><img src="images/blueboxTop.gif" /></div>
            <div id="blueContent"><img src="images/dashboard.gif" alt="Dashboard" /><br /><br />
                <div id="storePercent"><%=Html.ViewData("OpenCallCount")%><br />
                    Calls Open</div>
                <ul style="font-weight: bold;">
                    <li>&nbsp;<a href="/Calls/Urgent">Urgent:&nbsp;<%=Html.ViewData("UrgentCallCount")%></a><br /><br /></li>
                    <li>&nbsp;<a href="/Calls/High">High:&nbsp;<%=Html.ViewData("HighCallCount")%></a><br /><br /></li>
                    <li>&nbsp;<a href="/Calls/Normal">Normal:&nbsp;<%=Html.ViewData("NormalCallCount")%></a><br /><br /></li>
                    <li>&nbsp;<a href="/Calls/Low">Low:&nbsp;<%=Html.ViewData("LowCallCount")%></a></li>
            <div id="blueBottom"><img src="images/blueboxBottom.gif" /></div>

However, the line <%=Html.ViewData("MyOpenCallsCount")%> gives me an End of Statement expected error.

Also, I did get it to compile once, but I got the error Unable to cast object of type 'System.Data.Linq.DataQuery1[CustomerServiceHelpdesk.hdCall]' to type 'CustomerServiceHelpdesk.hdCall'. from the line Dim viewOpenCalls As New Calls With {.OpenCalls = callRepository.FindAllOpenCalls()}

Where did I go wrong?

I'm a bit of noob when it comes to things like this, so any help is much appreciated.

+7  A: 

Well, you can't return two values from a function, if that's what you are trying to do (the title suggests that's what you want).
Plus that's not how http works anyway. There's always just one response for a request.

But if you are trying to send both your viewOpenCalls and viewMyOpenCalls objects to one view, then you can do that with making your view have a model that'll hold both of them.

Like this :

//My VB is a bit rusty so I'm writing this in C#
class Calls {
    public yourDataType OpenCalls { get; set; }
    public yourDataType MyCalls { get; set; }

In your controller action :

return View(new Calls { OpenCalls = viewOpenCalls,  MyCalls = viewMyOpenCalls })

//I gues in VB it would be like this :
Dim viewOpenCalls = callRepository.FindAllOpenCalls()
Dim viewMyOpenCalls = callRepository.FindAllMyCalls(Session("LoggedInUser"))
Return View(New Calls _
    With {.OpenCalls = viewOpenCalls, .MyCalls = viewMyOpenCalls})

In your view make sure it's model is type of the Calls class.

<%@ Page Inherits="System.Web.Mvc.ViewPage<Calls>" %>

And now you can access the properties with <%=Model.OpenCalls %> and <%=Model.MyCalls %>

What should I search for to find out how to do that?
@Liam, I edited the answer.
This is quite common, especially when returning multiple result sets from stored procedures. I do this in my MVC application - you just write containers for multiple sets of data to return to the view.
Yes this is a good answer with clear example code.
Daniel Robinson
+1  A: 

1) Create a ViewData class. This is just a POCO class with properties defined for each data item you want to show on the view (e.g. OpenCallCount)

2) Create a strongly typed view that uses this ViewData class.

3) Pass a new instance of your ViewData class, with the properties set, to your view.

This will help you avoid using magic strings everywhere (e.g. ViewData("OpenCallCount") = ... becomes myViewDataClass.OpenCallCount = ...)

You could probably tidy up the view by using two partial view classes, or making it slightly more generic, but it will do the job at the moment.

Daniel Robinson

Once I'd worked out the correct way of doing it (a little while a go now) I got it working.

For reference, this is the way it should be done:

Public Class TheCalls
Private _OpenCalls As IQueryable(Of hdCall)
Public Property OpenCalls() As IQueryable(Of hdCall)
        Return _OpenCalls
    End Get
    Set(ByVal value As IQueryable(Of hdCall))
        _OpenCalls = value
    End Set
End Property
Private _AssignedCalls As IQueryable(Of hdCall)
Public Property AssignedCalls() As IQueryable(Of hdCall)
        Return _AssignedCalls
    End Get
    Set(ByVal value As IQueryable(Of hdCall))
        _AssignedCalls = value
    End Set
End Property
End Class