



I'm looking for a tool that would generate an UML diagram from a C# project or the compiled .NET dll. I've yet failed to come across any and the built-in basic class diagram generation in Visual Studio is not sufficient to my needs.

Any suggestions?

+4  A: 

We use Modelmaker. It can work with both Delphi and C#


Dave Craggs

[Update] I should add that it does more than just diagrams, it can be used for reverse engineering, refactoring and the like. It's been going for a while now and has many great features.

+3  A: 

We use Enterprise Architect it is not free but it is pretty good tool for the price. It will generate the UML diagram from the C# source code.

Neither modelmaker or enterprise architect appear to import c# partial classes correctly. They appear to be parsing the source files, and I would prefer they start with reflection on the assemblies. This is a big showstopper for me. Correct me if I am wrong.
P a u l
I have not tried to do it from dll's...only from source files.
+3  A: 
Todd Stout
Good combination; it's worth mentioning that you have to install a TeX implementation as well to work (e.g. MikeTex). The problem is that these diagrams are only generated on a class-basis and no overview diagram is created.
Gergely Orosz
You only need Tex if you want latex support. I have never installed Tex. If you generate the HTML docs, there is a single diagram created for all classes in your doxygen project.
Todd Stout

You might want to try the code visualization and exploration tools in Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate. You can create sequence, dependency graphs, and layer diagrams from code. VS 2010 also supports UML class, sequence, component, use case, and activity diagrams. As for reverse-engineering UML diagrams, see this post on the VS Architecture & Modeling tools forum: Is it possible to reverse engineer C# code into an UML Class Diagram?

I've posted more links on my profile for more info.

Esther Fan - MSFT

The Guys at have also done some work on this. Open Source Link
