Hi all,
I have an aspx page which has some javascript code like
setTimeout("document.write('" + place.address + "');",1);
As it is clear from the code it will going to write something on the page after a very short delay of 1 ms. I have created an another page to get the page executed by some query string and get its output. The problem is
- I can not avoid the delay as simply writing document.write(place.address); will not print anything as it takes a little time to get values so if i set it in setTimeout for delayed output of 1 ms it always return me a value
If I request the output from another page using
System.Net.WebClient wc = new System.Net.WebClient(); System.IO.StreamReader sr = new System.IO.StreamReader(wc.OpenRead("http://localhost:4859/Default.aspx?lat=" + lat + "&lng=" + lng)); string strData = sr.ReadToEnd();
I get the source code of the document instead of the desired output
can anyone help me out for either avoiding that delay or else delayed the client request ouput so that i get a desired value not the source code
The js on default.aspx is
<script type="text/javascript">
var geocoder;
var address;
function initialize() {
geocoder = new GClientGeocoder();
var qs=new Querystring();
if(qs.get("lat") && qs.get("lng"))
geocoder.getLocations(new GLatLng(qs.get("lat"),qs.get("lng")),showAddress);
document.write("Invalid Access Or Not valid lat long is provided.");
function getAddress(overlay, latlng) {
if (latlng != null) {
address = latlng;
geocoder.getLocations(latlng, showAddress);
function showAddress(r) {
place = r.Placemark[0];
setTimeout("document.write('" + place.address + "');",1);
and the code on requestClient.aspx is as
System.Net.WebClient wc = new System.Net.WebClient();
System.IO.StreamReader sr = new System.IO.StreamReader(wc.OpenRead("http://localhost:4859/Default.aspx?lat=" + lat + "&lng=" + lng));
string strData = sr.ReadToEnd();