I'm trying to use Integrated Windows Authentication combined with a DirectorySearcher to identify and authenticate the intranet user.
I'd managed to get some fairly simple code that seemed to do the trick, but when I tried on the live server I get the following error:
"The specified domain either does not exist or could not be contacted"
I can't debug the app on the live server so I copied it across to an old development server to test there. When I ran the app normally, it came up with the same error, so the I tried debugging in VS.... except it worked perfectly.
I suspect it's something to do with impersonation or to do with the LDAP call - obviously when it works for the debugger it's hard to be sure what the real problem is.
But I figured one of you guys will be able to point me in the right direction.
Snippets from my authentication class:
Private Function GetUserID() As String
Dim sID As String = HttpContext.Current.User.Identity.Name
Return Mid(sID, InStr(sID, "\") + 1)
End Function
Private Function GetDisplayName() As String
Dim oSearcher As New DirectorySearcher
Dim oResult As SearchResult
Dim sName As String = String.Empty
With oSearcher
.Filter = String.Format("(SAMAccountName={0})", _UserID)
oResult = .FindOne()
If Not oResult Is Nothing Then
sName = oResult.Properties("displayName")(0).ToString()
End If
End With
Return sName
End Function
Private Function GetEmail() As String
Dim oSearcher As New DirectorySearcher
Dim oResult As SearchResult
Dim sEmail As String = String.Empty
With oSearcher
.Filter = String.Format("(SAMAccountName={0})", _UserID)
oResult = .FindOne()
If Not oResult Is Nothing Then
sEmail = oResult.Properties("mail")(0).ToString()
End If
End With
Return sEmail
End Function
Private Function GetGroups() As StringCollection
Dim oSearcher As New DirectorySearcher
Dim oResult As SearchResult
Dim colGroups As New StringCollection
Dim i As Int16
With oSearcher
.Filter = String.Format("(cn=" & _UserName & ")", _UserID)
oResult = .FindOne()
If Not oResult Is Nothing Then
Dim iGroupCount As Int16 = oResult.Properties("memberOf").Count
For i = 0 To iGroupCount - 1
End If
End With
Return colGroups
End Function