The following query hangs: (although subqueries perfomed separately are fine)
I don't know how to make the explain table look ok. If someone tells me, I'll clean it up.
sum(grades.points)) as p,
from assignments
left join grades using (assignmentID)
where gradeID IN
(select grades.gradeID
from assignments
left join grades using (assignmentID)
where ... <= '1255503600' AND >= '984902400'
group by assignmentID order by DESC);
I think the problem is with the first grades table... the type ALL with that many rows seems to be the cause.. Everything is indexed.
I uploaded the table as an image. Couldn't get the formatting right:
A commenter wanted the full where clause:
explain extended select count(assignments.assignmentID) as asscount, sum(TRIM(TRAILING '-' FROM grades.points)) as p, sum(assignments.points) as t
from assignments left join grades using (assignmentID)
where gradeID IN
(select grades.gradeID from assignments left join grades using (assignmentID) left join as_types on as_types.ID = assignments.type
where assignments.classID = '7815'
and (assignments.type = 30170 )
and grades.contactID = 7141
and grades.points REGEXP '^[-]?[0-9]+[-]?'
and grades.points != '-'
and grades.points != ''
and (grades.pointsposs IS NULL or grades.pointsposs = '')
and <= '1255503600'
AND >= '984902400'
group by assignmentID
order by DESC);