



I just downloaded the nice themes collection from the Codeplex WPF Themes site. I like the WhisterBlue and BureauBlue themes a lot, but neither contain any styles for the new controls included in the WPF Toolkit (DataGrid, DatePicker, and Calendar).

It seems like someone out there must have extended the themes to cover these controls, but I've had no luck finding them. So, if you have any leads, I'd love to hear them.

I should also mention that I've been trying to port a Silverlight version of the BureauBlue DataGrid theme to WPF (see:, but that has been quite unsuccessful so far.


The WhistlerBlue theme is included in the Silverlight toolkit Oct 2009 in the preview band.

Phillip Ngan
@Phillip, thanks. That's got a lot more in it than the WPF Toolkit. I'm having a little trouble with the namespaces and assembly references, though. I can't seem to find matching assemblies for the examples on the Silverlight Toolit Samples page (
I should mention, I downloaded and installed the toolkit (October 2009) but if I try to add a reference for `System.Windows.Controls.Theming.Toolkit`, I can't find it in the list. Is this because I'm using Visual Studio 2008? Is it because my project is WPF, not Silverlight?
Apologies, I misread your question and pointed you to something that related only to SL. And yes, you can't the reference because you are using WPF and the assembly is SL.
Phillip Ngan
Ahh, well I had a Silverlight tag for my question (just removed it), so it was actually my fault.
+6  A: 

WPFreakyStyley has extended all of its themes to the WPF Toolkit. You might be able to find one that matches the CodePlex theme you're using. WPFreakyStyley


Xceed has professional themes for WPF that styles all official Microsoft WPF 3.5 and 4.0 controls including the WPF Datagrid and datepicker.

Xceed Pro Themes for WPF

Odi - Xceed

You can also try these FREE Themes for styling the standard WPF controls.

akshay kumar