The following is my HTML
<div id="ingredientrow1">
<div id="add"><a href="#" id="addIngredient1">Add</a></div>
<div id="remove"><a href="#" id="removeIngredient1">Remove</a></div>
<div id="si">
<input type="text" id="singleIngredient1" name="single_ingredient" />
<input type="hidden" id="recipe_ingredient_id1" name="recipe[new_ri_attributes][][ingredient_id]" />
<div id="iq"><input type="text" id="recipe_ingredient_quantity" name="recipe[new_ri_attributes][][quantity]" class="txt_qty" /></div>
<div id="iss"><select id="recipe_ingredient_serving_size_id1" name="recipe[new_ri_attributes][][serving_size_id]" ></select></div>
I clone the div "ingredientrow1" and I increment all the id's by one, so now my HTML has two two div's with id's: "ingredientrow1" and "ingredientrow2". Th user can clone this div any number of time by clicking the anchor with id "addIngredient1".
Note: The id of the select control in question "recipe_ingredient_serving_size_id1" is also changed with ...id2.
I also use the autocomplete plugin on the control "singleIngredient1" which will set the id of the ingredient selected in the hidden input and also populate the serving sizes in the select box.
The problem: Since the user can generate n number of ingredientrow div's I do not know which select box to populate when a ingredient is selected.
Known facts: I do know which ingredientrow the user is working on. I get that like this
var recipeingredientid = $(this).next().attr("id");
which gives me "ingredientrown" where n is 1, 2, ....
My question: How do I get to the recipe_ingredient_serving_size_idn select box in a specific ingredientrow? Since the select id will have changed.
Example to my question: If my recipeingredientid is "ingredientrow2" then the id of the select control will end with 2. How do I get a reference to that select control?
This is my JQuery which runs when the user selects a ingredient from the autocomplete input
$("input[id*='singleIngredient']").result(function(event, data, formatted) {
if (data) {
var recipeingredientid = $(this).next().attr("id");
$("#" + recipeingredientid).val(data[1]);
$.getJSON("/serving_sizes?ingredientid=1", function(j) {
var options = "<option value=''>Please select a serving size</option>";
for (var i=0; i < j.length; i++)
options += '<option value="' + j[i].serving_size.id + '">' + j[i].serving_size.name + '</option>';
//I am trying not to hard code this id here.
I know I am always passing 1 as the ingredientid but this is just a test...
Thanks for your time.