I'm having trouble accessing the some string fields in a COM interface. Calling the integer fields does not result in an error. When attempting call clientID()
, deviceID()
or key()
, I get the old "Attempted to read or write protected memory" error.
Here is the source interface code: (code sourced from here)
[scriptable, uuid(fab51c92-95c3-4468-b317-7de4d7588254)]
interface nsICacheEntryInfo : nsISupports
readonly attribute string clientID;
readonly attribute string deviceID;
readonly attribute ACString key;
readonly attribute long fetchCount;
readonly attribute PRUint32 lastFetched;
readonly attribute PRUint32 lastModified;
readonly attribute PRUint32 expirationTime;
readonly attribute unsigned long dataSize;
boolean isStreamBased();
Here is the C# code for accessing the interface:
[Guid("fab51c92-95c3-4468-b317-7de4d7588254"), ComImport, InterfaceType(ComInterfaceType.InterfaceIsIUnknown)]
interface nsICacheEntryInfo
string clientID();
string deviceID();
nsACString key();
int fetchCount();
Int64 lastFetched();
Int64 lastModified();
Int64 expirationTime();
uint dataSize();
[return: MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.Bool)]
bool isStreamBased();
Any suggestions as to why simply trying to read a field should throw access violations at me?