



In the "code-behind" style of ASP.NET programming, you split your code into two different files, an .aspx file and an aspx.cs file. (That's for C#; for VB, it's aspx.vb instead.) Everyone seems settled on calling the .aspx.cs/.aspx.vb files "code-behind files" or just "code-behinds". The question is: Is there a similarly established term for the .aspx (non-code-behind) files?

I've seen "aspx files", but that is arguably ambiguous.

Stephen Walther uses "presentation pages". (example) I'm not sure how many other people do.

There might be multiple valid answers here. My main use case, though, is finding the best terminology to use when googling, or when searching or writing things here on Stack Overflow. Sometimes you want to ask or say something about just the "non-code-behind" file.

+2  A: 

I call them "aspx pages" or "aspx files" or even just "aspx-es".

Not sure why you'd think that's arguably ambiguous. Can you elaborate?


The concept of code-behind is a separation of back-end logic and front-end presentation. Yes, in the real world, that's not always a clear distinction when all is said and done, but the intent is there.

So I think 'presentation page' makes sense.

I usually just call it the HTML (vs. the .net code in the codebehind)

EDIT: oh, sorry, missed the 'in the context of googling'. I would agree that "aspx page" or "aspx file" would work.

That said, maybe provide us with some example google searches you are doing and we can probably offer suggestions for alternative wording for what you are actually seeking.


I usually call it the "@#$%* designer file" or just "designer file."

Jamie Ide

When you use C#, VB, whatever code in aspx files, it's called code-inline.

I call aspx files "aspx" or markup file.


HTML markup files

Khalid Rahaman