My last return statement does not work can anyone tell me why? I am completly lost!
public class IpAddress
private String dottedDecimal;
private int[] Octet= new int[4];
public int i;
//Default constructor
public IpAddress()
dottedDecimal = "";
for ( i=0; i<=3;i++)
Octet[i] = 0; //setting the array to zero
} // end default constructor
//Specified constructor
public IpAddress(String myAddress)
dottedDecimal = myAddress;
String[] parsedOctets;
parsedOctets = myAddress.split("\\Q.\\E"); // allows to stop at the dot
for (i=0; i <=3; i++)
Octet[i] = Integer.parseInt(parsedOctets[i]); // breaking the string down to integers
}// end specified constructor
public String getDottedDecimal()
return dottedDecimal;
public int getOctet()
for (this.i=0; this.i <=3; this.i++)
return this.Octet[i];
} // end ip address class