



Hi, I am a long time Delphi 6 developer. Looking for a book on Delphi 2010. Not only on the new features available in Delphi 2010, but more importantly, guideline on how different it is to develop applications in Delphi 2010, the architecture, standard and convention, etc.

Thanks a lot.

+3  A: 

Far as I know there is a book for Delphi 2010 yet, but marco cantu is working on a new book specifically covering new features of Delphi 2010. you can find more info about Delphi 2010 Handbook here.

You can also review the new embarcadero site Windows 7 Developer Center wich focuses in Rad Studio 2010 and Windows 7 development.


Without hesitation Marco's books:
Delphi 2007 handbook
Delphi 2009 handbook

+5  A: 

Two authors to look at are Marco Cantu and Bob Swart.

Until Delphi 2005 and 2006, Marco wrote an all-encompassing books that tried to cover all of the features of the product. Beginning with Delphi 2007, this would have been a REALLY big book. He changed strategies and started concentrating on the large number of new features. He also started publishing through Lulu. There is a volume for Delphi 2009 available, and one in the works for Delphi 2010.

You'll find lots of reference material on Bob Swart's site, and he is also publishing several books and an impressive amount of his courseware through Lulu as well.

In both cases, you'll find lots of material on new features, how to use them and some problems you might run in to while upgrading.

The replays from CodeRage 4 are available, too, which you might also find useful.

Update: Just found this "hidden" link on Lulu: Getting Started with Delphi and C++ Builder 2009. You can get a printed copy, and it's available as a free download.

Update2: Marco Cantu's Delphi 2010 Handbook is now available.

Bruce McGee
Is the 2010 book a superset of the 2009 book and is the 2009 book a superset of the 2007 book? I know for example that the Mastering Delphi 6 book leaves out a lot of stuff in Mastering delphi 2.
@kjack: These books cover new material in each version with little overlap.
Bruce McGee
Thanks for the info and the link
+1  A: 

Though the new IDE is the most obvious change if you're coming from Delphi 7 or earlier, the most important change is that the VCL is now based on Unicode. Macro Cantu's Delphi 2009 Handbook has an excellent chapter on that. I did the technical review on that chapter. If you get only one book, choose this one.

Jan Goyvaerts
Biased recommendation, but that Cantu's books are good is true.