I had the same problem and managed to get something like the following to work:
public class MyRichTextBox : RichTextBox
public MyRichTextBox()
: base()
new CommandBinding(ApplicationCommands.Copy, OnCopy, OnCanExecuteCopy));
private static void OnCanExecuteCopy(object target, CanExecuteRoutedEventArgs args)
MyRichTextBox myRichTextBox = (MyRichTextBox)target;
args.CanExecute = myRichTextBox.IsEnabled && !myRichTextBox.Selection.IsEmpty;
private static void OnCopy(object sender, ExecutedRoutedEventArgs e)
MyRichTextBox myRichTextBox = (MyRichTextBox)sender;
e.Handled = true;
private static string GetInlineText(RichTextBox myRichTextBox)
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
foreach (Block b in myRichTextBox.Document.Blocks)
if (b is Paragraph)
foreach (Inline inline in ((Paragraph)b).Inlines)
if (inline is InlineUIContainer)
InlineUIContainer uiContainer = (InlineUIContainer)inline;
if (uiContainer.Child is Button)
else if (inline is Run)
Run run = (Run)inline;
return sb.ToString();
Of course this is very simplistic - you would probably create a subclass of Button and define an interface-function like "GetCopyToClipboardText" instead of having the "how to get text from a button"-code inside the richtextbox.
The example copies all text inside the richtextbox - it would be more usefull if only the selected part of the textbox was copied to the clipboard. This post gives an example of how to achive that.