



I have some classes like this:

interface class IA

interface class IB

public ref class C : public IA, public IB

public ref class D
 void DoSomething(IA^ aaa)

 void Run()
  C^ bob = gcnew C();
  DoSomething(dynamic_cast<IA^>(bob)); // #1
  DoSomething(bob);   // #2

At the moment I always try to use dynamic casting when calling such a function, (the #1 above).
However it does make the code quite ugly, so I want to know if it is actually necessary.

Do you use dynamic_cast in this way? If so what is the main reason?

+1  A: 

No, I would think that in C++/CLI you also don't need the dynamic cast here. Derived* implicitly converts to Base* unless there's an ambiguity w.r.t. multiple inheritance. The same it probably true for "gc-pointers". In C++ a dynamic cast -- when upcasting -- requires polymorphic classes (with at least one virtual function). I don't know how C++/CLI handles it, though. I would think every CLI class is by default polymorphic.

You may want to remove the C++ tag, by the way. ;)

+1  A: 

Since we know bob is of type C^, we know at compile time it can be downcasted to IA^ safely, and so dynamic_cast is equivalent to static_cast here. Moreover, the implicit cast you propose is also safe.

dynamic_cast is only needed when upcasting from a base type to a derived.

+2  A: 

In standard C++, you use dynamic_cast to walk down the hierarchy, not up. In this case, you'd use it to try and convert an IA or IB into a C:

IA^ temp = /* get a C in some way. */;
C^ tempC = dynamic_cast<C^>(temp);