The easiest, nicest option is to upgrade to VS2010 Beta2 and use .NET 4's Enum.HasFlag method. The framework team has added a lot of nice additions to Enum to make them nicer to use.
Original (for current .NET):
You can do this by passing Enum, instead of generics:
static class EnumExtensions
private static bool IsSignedTypeCode(TypeCode code)
switch (code)
case TypeCode.Byte:
case TypeCode.UInt16:
case TypeCode.UInt32:
case TypeCode.UInt64:
return false;
return true;
public static bool IsOptionSet(this Enum value, Enum option)
if (IsSignedTypeCode(value.GetTypeCode()))
long longVal = Convert.ToInt64(value);
long longOpt = Convert.ToInt64(option);
return (longVal & longOpt) == longOpt;
ulong longVal = Convert.ToUInt64(value);
ulong longOpt = Convert.ToUInt64(option);
return (longVal & longOpt) == longOpt;
This works perfectly, like so:
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
HtmlParserOptions opt1 = HtmlParserOptions.NotifyText | HtmlParserOptions.NotifyEmptyText;
Console.WriteLine("Text: {0}", opt1.IsOptionSet(HtmlParserOptions.NotifyText));
Console.WriteLine("OpeningTags: {0}", opt1.IsOptionSet(HtmlParserOptions.NotifyOpeningTags));
THe above prints:
Text: True
OpeningTags: False
The downside to this, though, is it doesn't protect you from passing two different types of Enum types into the routine. You have to use it reasonably.