You need to use the Convert() method in the Encoding class:
- create an Encoding object that represents ASCII encoding
- create an Encoding object that represents Unicode encoding
- call Encoding.Convert() with the source encoding, the destination encoding, and the string to be encoded
There is an example here:
using System;
using System.Text;
namespace ConvertExample
class ConvertExampleClass
static void Main()
string unicodeString = "This string contains the unicode character Pi(\u03a0)";
// Create two different encodings.
Encoding ascii = Encoding.ASCII;
Encoding unicode = Encoding.Unicode;
// Convert the string into a byte[].
byte[] unicodeBytes = unicode.GetBytes(unicodeString);
// Perform the conversion from one encoding to the other.
byte[] asciiBytes = Encoding.Convert(unicode, ascii, unicodeBytes);
// Convert the new byte[] into a char[] and then into a string.
// This is a slightly different approach to converting to illustrate
// the use of GetCharCount/GetChars.
char[] asciiChars = new char[ascii.GetCharCount(asciiBytes, 0, asciiBytes.Length)];
ascii.GetChars(asciiBytes, 0, asciiBytes.Length, asciiChars, 0);
string asciiString = new string(asciiChars);
// Display the strings created before and after the conversion.
Console.WriteLine("Original string: {0}", unicodeString);
Console.WriteLine("Ascii converted string: {0}", asciiString);