



I need to use the SQRT function as part of a where clause in a Linq EF query. I figured I could do this:

var qry = context.MyTable.Where("sqrt(it.field) > 1");

But it returns an error saying "'sqrt' cannot be resolved into a valid type constructor or function., near function, method or type constructor, line 6, column 5."

I had always assumed that linq literally takes what's in the where clause and translates that into a statement that is executed directly in SQL. That doesn't seem to be the case...

Anyone know the work-around?


+1  A: 

I'm using Linq Entities and was able to do this:

        testEntities entities = new testEntities ();

        ObjectQuery<Fees> fees = entities.Fees;

        return from f in fees 
               let s = Math.Sqrt((double)f.FeeAmount)
               where s > 1.0 
               select f ;

When I check the generated SQL, I get

SELECT [t1].[TestTriggerID]
    SELECT [t0].[TestTriggerID], SQRT(CONVERT(Float,[t0].[TestTriggerID])) AS [value]
    FROM [TestTrigger2] AS [t0]
    ) AS [t1]
WHERE [t1].[value] > @p0

This seems reasonable. I was unable to use the .Where string format to reproduce the same code, but I'm probably missing something obvious.

I did try something similar, except I used Math.Sqrt in the select portion of without a let assignment. Do some items work as a let while they don't work natively in a where?
LINQ queries actually operate in the sequence they are constructed. FROM defines the source, which the LET augments with a computed value. The WHERE clause now has the item it needs (via the sub-query constructed from the FROM+let) to filter and finally the SELECT feeds values on as the result. Putting the computation in the SELECT would be "too late" for the WHERE clause to act upon without explicitly using that result as a sub-query).
+1  A: 

Hi! Check the msdn document.Entity sql doesn't support the sqrt function.


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