I am building out some reporting stuff for our website (a decent sized site that gets several million pageviews a day), and am wondering if there are any good free/open source data warehousing systems out there.
Specifically, I am looking for only something to store the data--I plan to build a custom front end/UI to it so that it shows the information we care about. However, I don't want to have to build a customized database for this, and while I'm pretty sure an SQL database would not work here, I'm not sure what to use exactly. Any pointers to helpful articles would also be appreciated.
Edit: I should mention--one DB I have looked at briefly was MongoDB. It seems like it might work, but their "Use Cases" specifically mention data warehousing as "Less Well Suited": http://www.mongodb.org/display/DOCS/Use+Cases . Also, it doesn't seem to be specifically targeted towards data warehousing.