I'm learning Perl and at the same time I'm creating a program to my family events, but when I'm trying to use a array with a randomization process I'm getting some errors, as you could see:
[ubuntu@eeepc:~/Desktop/mail] ./get.pl -h pop.vix.terra.com.br -u nathanpc -p (:D)
Global symbol "$random_name" requires explicit package name at ./get.pl line 17.
Execution of ./get.pl aborted due to compilation errors.
And my code is like this:
# import packages
use Net::POP3;
use Getopt::Long;
use Mail::Message;
use List::Util qw(shuffle);
use strict;
use warnings;
# Variable declaration
my $host;
my $user;
my $pass;
my $email_file;
my $msg;
my @array = shuffle(<$random_name>);
# read command line options
# display usage message in case of error
GetOptions ('h|host=s' => \$host,
'u|user=s' => \$user,
'p|pass=s' => \$pass) or die("Input error. Try calling me with: -h <host> -u <username> -p <password>");
# file operations
open($email_file, ">>", "Mail.txt");
open my $random_name, "<", "out.txt";
# initiate connection
# default timeout = 120 sec
my $conn = Net::POP3->new($host) or die("ERROR: Unable to connect.\n");
# login
my $numMsg = $conn->login($user, $pass) or die("ERROR: Unable to login.\n");
# get message numbers
# iterate over list and print first 20 lines of each
if ($numMsg > 0) {
my $msgList = $conn->list();
foreach $msg (keys(%$msgList)) {
my $rawdata = $conn->get($msg);
my $msg_obj = Mail::Message->read($rawdata);
my $body = $msg_obj->body;
print $email_file $body;
print $email_file "\n====================================================\n";
print shift @array;
} else {
print "Mailbox is empty.\n";
# close connection