I am trying to access a “text” type and inserting that value into another table viw a stored procedure. I’ve tried to cast it, convert it, but nothing works.
My code looks somethings like this:
Declare @Critique varchar(max), @Feedback varchar(max)
SELECT @Critique = CAST(comments as varchar(max)), @Feedback = CAST(public_critique as varchar(max)) FROM ASCO_vEXTERNAL_REVIEW_APPLICATIONS_LIST WHERE wf_task_assignment_id = @WfTaskAssignmentIDP1
– comments and public_critique are defined as text in view (also tried with table) ASCO_vEXTERNAL_REVIEW_APPLICATIONS_LIST
insert into WF_TASK_ASSIGNMENT_REVIEW (wf_task_assignment_review_id, wf_task_assignment_id, grantee_project_id, comments, public_critique) values (@NewID1, @WfTaskAssignmentIDP2, @GranteeProjectID, @Critique, @Feedback)
Can you please help me with this as soon as possible. I would really appreciate this.
Thanks, Harish