




I have a flash video player in a div inside a webpage, I'm trying to create a button that will resize this div to fill the whole page and hide everything else behind it. Has anyone tried to do it? Problems: 1. It causes the flash to reload and the video to restart 2. In some cases a flash banner from the webpage overlays my video player no matter what z-index I give it.

Any suggestion appreciated.



You might want to consider SWFObject - it makes embedding Flash and doing dynamic things with it like resizing a lot simpler. Their docs also explain how best to fill the whole browser window, and there is a good example here of dynamic resizing.

In some cases a flash banner from the webpage overlays my video player no matter what z-index I give it.

If possible, try setting wmode="opaque" on the banner, this will make it respect z-indexes and other styling.

Thanks, I'll try the opaque solution if I can get control on it. Do you have an idea re my other question - why my resized flash is getting reloaded? this isn't happening in IE btw, only in Firefox and alike