



I have an existing database(Postgresql). How can i create models from it? How can i pass column names for Rails? As if something like this:


Name :table_name_for_name_attribute Surname :table_name_for_surname_attribute PersonalCode :table_name_for_perconal_code_attribute

Unfortunately, my database is not following Rails convention, because not all tables are named in English. Any ideas how can i map it?

UPDATE reverse_scaffold script generates only model, but i need controller and view forms also.


You can define a table name not matching the model's using the table_name method.

class MyModel < ActiveRecord::Base
    def self.table_name

Change the value of 'my_table_name' to your effective table name.

For generating controllers and views with automatic methods to create, update, delete and view database objects, you should create a scaffold. There's some pretty good documentation on the rails guides about that.

Ok, if found out, that in old Rails it was possible to define just table name, and scaffold would generate all attributes according to table`s columns. Now it is impossible. You should define all columns by yourself. Just done it so. Thank`s for your advice with self.table_name. I`ll use this approach next time.

In your model, you'll need to tell ActiveRecord what the table name and primary key field column is named if they don't follow the conventions.

class MyLegacyTable < ActiveRecord::Base
  self.table_name = "some_name"
  self.primary_key = "some_name_primary_key_field"

Once you've done that, ActiveRecord knows the some_name_primary_key_field as id, which makes life much easier.


Rails doesn't need to know the column names it figures them out when it connects to the database.

As others have said you can specify a table name in the model.

As for generating controllers/views, you're pretty much own your own. script/generate scaffold is deprecated. It still works as far as creating things, but you need to pass all column names and times on the command line.

Instead have a look at the ActiveScaffold Plugin, it has a similar end result. But is much more robust and easier to adapt to model changes.
